Do Heat Seeking Missiles Track In On Microwave Sources Too?

I ran across this piece on new nonlethal weapons for use in Iraq today:
Scientists worried by riot control ray gun

There’s more details on the system, including a picture, here:
Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System (V-MADS)
The beam emitter for the system is about the size of a ping pong table, and sits atop a Humvee like a giant target; which leads to the title question. When they turn the thing on, will it become an instant magnet for any heatseekers that happen to be in the area?

Just how many heat seekers would you expect to be in the area?

Does the general populace have lots of them?

BTW…the heat threshold for a heat seeker is much higher than what would just make you uncomfortable.

So …no.

I just tested my microwave with 2-1/2 minutes on some water. The water heated up a lot, the microwave parts warmed up just a little–the light bulb area was warmer than any other part.So it may be the heat-seeking missiles will prefer the rioters, if they seek 130 degrees F.

Oh, on preview, Reeder covered that.
Wondering about some technical details.

What is the penetration of microwaves at 95 Gigahertz? Is that where the 1/64 inch comes from?

If you reach 130 degrees in two seconds, why would it take 250 seconds to burn skin?

Would it work as the globalsecurity site suggests to use thick clothes, or a trash-can lid, for protection? Why would both work, as electrically they are different?

Globalsecurity uses “non-lethal”, Reuters on Yahoo quotes the Pentagon as using “less lethal”. Neither site actually specifies the wattage.

The heat is generated by the microwaves in the target. The microwave EM is not itself hot. The parts of the gun that do get warm, or even hot can be shielded so as to not radiate the heat until after the “shot” is fired and the guy using the microwave device has moved away.

A heat-seeking missile will not track a source like a household microwave oven, which is sealed and compartmentalized. however some missiles are sensitive enough to track exhaust fumes or engine heat from a moving vehicle. Moreover the missiles will have to come within range of the heat source and the range varies depending upon the type of sensors.

So, in response to your question, YES because there is a source of heat if turned on long enough, will register on the sensors of heat-seeking missiles, however the shooter of the missile will have to know the location of the general location before it will start seeking out the target.

Also, in response to your question, NO because the time span of this weapon is short enough that once it’s turned off, most heat-seeking missiles, once they have lost the heat source, will only continue in its last projected coordinants. Also, these weapons are meant to be used in a small and mobile situation, and if the enemy who is shooting at you, close enough to you, using a heat-seeking missiles wouldn’t be necessary… a couple of RPG rounds would do the trick.

Side note: heat-seeking missiles are usually used in “blind” situations, e.g., there are many buildings at an airport and you’re not which bldg housing your target and with enough ppl, the combined body heat will be sufficient to guide the missile.

Additionally. heat-seeking missiles were first implemented by the Airforce for air-to-air combat at speeds which these fighters fly, getting in a good lock, is next to impossible especially with a moving target. These heat seekers track the source of the exhaust/afterburners of the target plane and close in at speeds greater than the target in order to destroy it. Until today, this is till the most common use of heat seekers.