Do I love the day after Christmas?

Are the sales better before Christmas or after Christmas? Does what I am buying make a difference?

I assume you are asking for people’s opinions? If so, I’ll move this to IMHO.

samclem GQ moderation

Christmas stuff is super cheap the day after christmas. When I feel like it I can sometime go and get all of next years “christmas-y crap since I don’t really know what you want and it’s pretty and themed” gifts out of the way.

I’m also fond of the fact that theres a lot less people than before too.

I think that the Boxing Day sales here are too much of a scrum to be bothered getting involved.

I love staying in on Boxing Day. Grab some beers and snack, and watch the Boxing Day Test, flipping to the Sydney-Hobart in the commercial breaks. Bliss.

Unfortunately, most years I’m working - this year included.

Used to be, the day after Christmas was for buying next year’s wrapping paper, bows, ribbon and tags. Now we’re trying to be “greener” and are not using traditional wrappings, so those particular trashbag fillers are off our list.

My day after Christmas will be spent taking down the tree (I do NOT like having it up after Dec. 25, although the other holiday decor can stay for a limited while), packaging and freezing turkey leftovers, taking a nice walk, and playing my piano. Oh, did I mention–I’m a teacher, so I’m on VACATION!!!

What about a coat and an mp3 player?

You 'Murkins need to get on board with the rest of the world; it’s not “the day after Christmas;” it’s Boxing Day.



Proudest Monkey, I just had that revelation this year, too. What a huge waste wrapping paper is! I’m going re-usable gift bags all the way from now on (I have a good selection to start with already).

Or kwanzaa

Yeah, that works too. Or Boxing Kwanzaa Day.

I think it’s going to depend a LOT on the type of coat or mp3 player and the particular stores at which you’ll be shopping. There’s no general statement about the availability of these items and whether the sale is worthwhile.
I do seem to recall reading somewhere that January is the best time to buy a coat, but I’ve been unable to find a cite.

ETA: I did find this.

Thanks a million!

All this talk of Boxing Day reminds me of Stan Rogers “At Last I’m Ready for Christmas”:

Last Boxing Day the wife went out the White Sales for to see,
In trunk-load lots bought half-price paper and tinsel for the tree.
I packed it up for use this year in a box I marked so plain.
That stuff would sure be handy now, but it’s never been seen again!

I love Boxing Day. Second-best day of the year, after New Years Day. Means all the Christmas nuttiness is over for another year (phew!) :slight_smile:

In Australia, it’s Boxing Kangaroo Day.

No, not really.

Here we call it Boxing Polar Bear Day. We’re a tough people.

Happy Boxing Day, everybody! We have a busy day planned - extended periods of doing nothing, followed by bouts of laying around.