Do I need to get a grip?

Do you ever want to go back to the BBQ pit just one more time on a topic knowing that you didn’t get the last word or insult? Knowing that if you go back you will get sucked back into that moronic thread that you left *for good *a day or so ago? Knowing that an unanswered insult and counterpoint is just setting there for all to read?

How are some of the ways other dopers handle this temptation? I know, I know, I could stay out of the pit but I enjoy a good rant and a difference of opinion once in a while. Myabe I need to learn that enough is enough and that to post that one more time is gonna do more to hurt my point rather than make it.

Any thoughts?

Yours truly,

Getting in the last word is nice, but it’s not always a practical possiblility. My advice is to just let it go. Besides, I don’t know what help luggage would be.


figure of speech Uncabeer. :slight_smile:

Yours truly,

aha, would this be your first whoosh?

I think whether it is the pit, or in life, the more verbal of a person you happen to be, makes one lean in the direction of searching for * that perfect thing to say * syndrome. The capper of all things ** right **.

I’m resisting going back to see if bjorn ever came back to the thread Green Bean started. I can’t understand that! What difference should it make, yet…::unseen forces pull in that direction:::: tell me if you ever get that grip…


“Um, according to who? Nothing more than a high brow troll, though occasionally the bi polar personality swung in a constructive direction on innocuous topics.” Omniscient

I generally figure that if it’s a battle of wits, people are going to remember the best volley more than the last shot. When I feel a really strong urge to go thwack some jerk one final time, I just remember that some of our worst problem posters made their reputations by insisting on having the last word. A real disincentive to posting last is to remember the twits who always post one, last, lame line just so that they can pretend they weren’t thoroughly squelched.

If you take another look and discover that they have zinged you well and properly, you can show your moral superiority by acknowledging the quality of their thrust. (And, of course, if they have now left themselves open to the perfect rejoinder. . . .) If you see that they have simply added one more damp faggot to the embers of their pathetic flame, rest assured that everyone else can see how miserable their effort was and walk away knowing that we all rated their fizzle against them.


Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where George is trying to get the last word in… “The Jerk Store called, and they are running out of you!”

Ah, the things I find funny… I should go lie down for awhile…

“Penises don’t belong in the mouth, girls and boys. You’ve got the wrong hole there. Just like you wouldn’t shove pizza up your nose.”
-From the Brother Jed flyer-

I hear the siren call and I obey, usually. I’m weak.

You might want to ask Rousseau on how to avoid temptation, as there still remains a lengthy list of unanswered point-by-point questions I posed to him in the “What the fuck is wrong with these homophobic bigots” thread. (And, honestly, I’m not posting this to get him all riled up, I’m just stating the fact that he has not returned to that thread knowing there were loose ends dangling - his reasons are his own, and I think I already know them.)


Ask the Gay Guy!

[thread hijack]Esprix[/thread hijack] ?

aha I think it is all too easy to get carried away in the Pit. It’s too anonymous - too easy to say things we never would IRL - even in the other forums (fora?)

The thing to remember is that if you post a stinging, splendid reply and then don’t go back - you did have the last word, at least in your reference frame.




Ask the Gay Guy!

[extreme clarity, no sarcasm]
Esprix - surely this is a bit of a thread hijack? I would suggest you are using this innocent little thread of aha’s as a platform for you to attack **Rousseau ** ?
[/extreme clarity, no sarcasm]

Good advice Russell thanks

Yours truly,

Nope - as I said, aha asked if people were able to resist the urge to respond to Pit topics/flames/last word/whatever, and I really, honestly was just pointing out that Rousseau has been successful in this endeavor.


Ask the Gay Guy!