Do lightning rods really work?

There is a large body of modern scientific literature demonstrating that lightning rods really do work, and nothing works better (alternatives usually offer inferior, but much more expensive protection). Current testing shows that the best protection is given by blunted, standard rods, not sharpened rods. Three links for accurate lightning safety answers are:

A response to a pseudo-scientific claim against lightning rods:

A moderated forum for engineers, laypeople, medical doctors, power quality professionals to exchange scientifically correct information:

A certifying organization for lightning protection professionals and safety officials:

Welcome to the SDMB, and thank you for posting your comment.
Please include a link to Cecil’s column if it’s on the Straight Dope web site.
To include a link, it can be as simple as including the web page location in your post (make sure there is a space before and after the text of the URL).

Cecil’s column can be found on-line at this link:
Do lightning rods really work? (24-Aug-2001 )

moderator, «Comments on Cecil’s Columns»

Heh heh heh. Good one!

Welcome to the SDMB, frokeefe.

A previous thread from GQ, with some info.

Also here and here.

Hmmm… Cecil’s column said there was to be a re-evaluation of the NFPA standards in October 2001. Does anyone know what happened?

frokeefe’s first link includes a reference to the follow-up where they determined there was substantial scientific evidence supporting the use of conventional lightning rods. The board supported updating NFPA 780.