Do Little Girls Really Like Unicorns

But they are so pretty! Sure, screwed up story and all, but the pretty!

That makes me want to see a Far Sideish cartoon with a bunch of medieval types looking at a throne with a pile of ash in the seat. “Alright; unicorn horns good, unicorn hearts bad. Write it down.”

I think most do. My daughter and most of her friends sure did. She still has a unicorn poster up in her room in fact.


Each Unicorn she had, had its own story. Some were related and some where not. I use to make up many stories about the unicorns for her.

Woah! I’ll be honest, I didn’t read the article, just linked for the pretty pictures.


See, *that *was the kind of story I loved as a kid. Blood and gore. Unicorns were NOT happy and light and innocence for much of their mythology. I mean - the whole reason he *had *that horn was to run people through the belly with it if they betrayed him! How cool is that?!

I never cared much for the My Little Pony version of unicorns.

My favorite Cinderella tales were the ones where the sisters cut off bits of their feet, too.

I wasn’t allowed unicorns… :frowning: My ridiculous religious parents didn’t allow things like unicorns, fairies and most of the other magical creatures that should exist in childhood. I wasn’t even allowed Lisa Frank stuff with unicorns on it. If it was magical that somehow meant ungodly. And if it’s not godly then it *must *be the evil spawn of Satan… :smack:
That’s pretty twisted, huh? Yes, I did end up with issues… :rolleyes:

Anyway… in my mostly sane adult life, I think I prefer the Pegasus.

I loved unicorns, my daughter loved horses, my younger daughter loves both.

Depending on your age, were you allowed to watch Bewitched? I know a lot of people who told me they were raised like you, but Bewitched was somehow fine.

I loved horses (and ponies), but had no use for unicorns. I was practical in my love and spent all my time and money actually horsebackriding. Horses were great enough on their own, no need for fairytales.

She might be pro-pirate?

I still recall, with much fondness, the Christmas when I got the large stuffed unicorn with the sparkly silver hooves. I had it for ages, and I think it finally went to a garage sale when I got married.

I’m 25 so I think Bewitched was a bit before my time. No Smurfs, no Fantasia. Surprisingly, The Little Mermaid was okay.

Speaking from exprience, yes. Heck, I still have my toy stuffed unicorn from when I was little.

But do you like Sleipnir?

I am not and nor have I ever been a little girl but I’ve always liked unicorns.

Girls like horses. It’s genetically encoded or something. My father hates horses and indoctrinated me from an early age that horses are best made into glue. I shocked him a few years ago by admitting that I had wanted a horse as a girl.

Dunno what it is, horses are like catnip for little girls. You slap a horn and/or wings on a horse and it’s irresistible. Blame She-ra for the 80’s girls.