Do not take your screen name from a popular book or movie.

Well, looky here! I did a search and Things I firmly believe about Dopers I never met survived.

P.S. And looky what else I just discovered. If you take out the “&highlight=” from your search finds, the words you used to search do not show up in red in your linked thread.

I used to go around with the handle Wowbagger. People keeped asking me to insult them.

To avoid confusion, I am not yojimbo. I am yojimboguy(italics added for emphasis). In the RW, I am a Jim, and I was called both Jimbo and Yojimbo by some people, in the latter case because of the film reference (let’s just say I can be grumpy).

When I was looking for an email address some few years ago, I never even bothered to find out what number Jim I would be. I tried Jimbo, Yojim, Yojimbo, all to no avail. When I tried yojimboguy, I hit gold. I haven’t run across any others anywhere.

And this is the first place I’ve hit any confusion at all. Yojimbo, I have sent you greetings by separate email.

I have never, ever claimed to be little; I guess my nic is ok then?

While Peter, Paul and Mary may sing in perfect harmony in this era, Paul brought Eutychus back to life all by himself back then. :slight_smile:


Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen…

Yup, same with me.

“See ya at Phillipi, Brutus.”
“EEK! stab

Don’t mind me, I’m being weird.

Not an issue for me on the SDMB (I NEVER meet another Zoggie in print)…but my screen name on AOL is FenchurchIV. I haven’t perused Douglas Adams of late, but I think it would be so…odd. I’ve signed on as this name for about a year, so it would be unnerving to see someone else with what I believe to be my name.

I have used character handles so long, that yes, I am known by several of them. I will in the real world be called Narile, or Alyt, or Mythilt by my friends and several of my aquantances. And I do thing of myself as being Narile, Alyt, and Mythilt sometimes. It goes with roleplaying the characters for 15 years. :confused:

You too?

Had a sunday school teacher that told us an easy way to remember that name. “Eutychus’ed too if you fell out of a window” :slight_smile:

Hmmm…I’m named after a huge furry monster w/ a slight underbite. Oh yeah, I have fleas!


I watched The Virgin Suicides a few weeks ago, in which Kirsten Dunst’s character is named Lux. It was a little strange for me.

When I see your handle, Winona Ryder comes to mind. :slight_smile:

Since it’s been nearly 70 years since Duck Soup was in the movie houses, the movie I took my handle from probably isn’t what the OP meant as “popular”, even though it’s very popular for a movie of that vintage.

Anybody know a princess or two that needs to be rescued? Since Dejah Thoris became a grandma, she hasn’t been abducted by bad guys as frequently as she was in the old days. Have sword and radium gun, will travel. :wink:

Well, it’s never been a problem for me. Few enough people seem to know that Cal Meacham was the brainy and sexy scientist hero of Raymond F. Jones’ book This Island Earth, or of the hero of the awful movie they made of it in the 1950s, where he was played by Rex Reason.

Although I’ve recently found through the Search Engines that Cal Meacham is also the name of a band mad up of Math Majors.

Yeah, since I started using this handle, I’ve become really, really aware of how many people in real have the last name “Miller.”

I picked my name for a lesserly famous Monty Python sketch. It is a bit disconcering to be referred to as Michael, but not really.

Well, I got mine from an obscure book. Albeit one with a cultish following amongst those in the know. So I never have to worry about running across references to ‘me’ in other fora.

People have started calling me Trout IRL, which is fine. It’s a good nickname. The one catch is that Dopers tend to expect me to be a good 30 years older than I actually am. I got a lot of double-takes at the January DopeFest. (Persephone’s was particularly good.)

Ludo’s sooo cool!!! And clueless looking :slight_smile:

Oops, jayjay, that’s what I get for making a reply without checking. Don’t let my Sunday School class know the teacher screwed up!