Another thing, related to lack of time for shopping/cooking, is a lack of knowledge. There are many, many people who have never learned to cook anything that doesn’t come in a can/box with directions. It’s bad enough doing shopping and cooking after work when I know what I’m doing. For someone with no skills and no knowledge and no time, that’s a pretty overwhelming expectation you’ve got there.
Yes, anyone can learn to shop and cook. But first you have to know that it’s worthwhile - which a lot of people don’t - and then you have to have the time, energy, and wherewithal to gain the tools and knowledge.
I can figure out how to cook something without burning it too badly in a $1 pan from the dollar store. But someone who’s just learning to cook and is blindly following a recipe they’ve found? Not so much. Several failures due to crappy tools and lack of knowledge can be enough to make someone trying to learn just give up in frustration.
Hell, I’m still trying to re-train my SO, who learned to cook from her farm-wife mother, on cooking vegetables. While she does some lovely stuff, her veg could come straight from a sitcom. Think bad 50s British cooking - burner on WFO at all times, cook it to death early, then reheat it at dinner time. Mmmm-mmmm-good!
If that’s all the “fresh” veggies you’ve ever had, then chances are you’ll go for the box of chicken nuggets instead.