Do porn stars really have fake blogs

yes do porn stars realy have fake blogs to protect them selfs i am asking because i am dating a porn star and one of my friends looked her up and he said there is a blog that says she is married with a kid but the blog is done under her porn star name and not her real name that i know her by

Perhaps ask her about it? She might not even know that blog exists, since it would be very easy for someone else to pose as her online without her knowledge.

She said she knows about it and it’s not true at all

She said she is tried of haters trying to interfere with our relationship and take me away from her she calls me her knight in shining armor the man giving her true love saving her from the horrible industry

How do PS’s use blogs to protect themselves? I’m not making a connection here.

Because they don’t want there fans knowing there real life

If they really don’t want their public life known, the best move would be not to write a blog at all. You’re not making sense.

Have you met this girlfriend? Have you given her any money?

Why would the blog be under her stage name? Wouldn’t it make more sense to post stuff that sounds hot and exciting under that name, and protect her real name, instead?

No I haven’t given her any money we have video chatted and we where friends for a very long time before we got it off

That’s what I’m saying she doesn’t want anything knowing her real name and her real life outside of porn

I’ve heard most public figures have secret social media and email accounts. Hillary Clinton is an obvious example.

I can’t remember specific names, but I occasionally see an actor or politician social media outed in the news. The SDMB supposedly had a few actors and musicians that posted anonymously.

Doxxing isn’t allowed here. I wouldn’t invade anyone’s privacy anyhow.

Lol if she wanted everybody knowing her real life then she would have a blog posted in her real name and not her porn actress name

A pornstars fake blog would be a lot more likely to HIDE a husband and a kid than talk about it.

You know, when I think of porn stars and the word fake, blogs aren’t the thing that comes to mind.

I don’t know if that helps at all, but it’s all I got.

If you’ve never watched this show, check it out.

Lol jerk nice try

Thank you glad someone has some common sense

That what I am saying she posted it under her stage name not her real name

Buddy, I’m saying the blog is real because a pornstar would not lie and make up a husband and kid as both those things would harm her career. You are being catfished.