Do sneezes always seem to come in two's?

My father is a mutli-sneezer, my mom a single. I am a single, my wife is a single, but our little girl started double sneezing within a day out of the womb.

Don’t know what that means.

There’s a thread somewhere I started on precisely this topic. Good luck to anyone better than I am in finding the damn thing.

I sneeze twice when I walk into the sun from darkness.

I hate it when (women, usually) people do little stifled cat sneezes. I always wonder about how that relates toward their psychological makeup.

I’m one of those 8-10 in a row. My family and coworkers have all learned to wait until I’m finished: otherwise it’s, “Bless you - bless you - bless you - shut up already.”

Most of life: two sneezes, always.

One year of heavy opiate use.

Since then: three sneezes, almost always.

3 sneezes when stepping outside into sunlight.

1-3 sneezes other times.

Once for a wish,
Twice for a kiss,
Three times a letter,
Four times something better.

Once, usually sun induced.

Always? No. I’m a single-sneezer. The only times I double or triple sneeze are when I’ve been doing a dusty job (like sweeping wood floors or cleaning out the garage).

Do sneezes come in two’s? No, but I believe sneeze’s come in twos. It’s because one sneeze causes another, but not vice versa.

Often 2. Usually 4 or 5. Sometimes crazy fits of 10 or more. I had some allergies in my house last time I weent to visit folks in FL and there I was sneezing so much in a row that my whole body began to physically ache for a brief time afterwards.

I often sneeze singly but occasionally get a double. Sometimes I will sneeze three or more times (usually when I am allergic to something like dust or cleaning spray) but there is always a significant gap in between sneezes. Not like some people who have rapid-fire sneezing ‘fits’.

So no particular pattern with me.

I do not sneeze very often, but when I do it is with alarming number. After a sneezing episode I’ll have sore intercostal muscles and feel wiped out. If I’m driving and sneeze, I’ll pull over if possible until the fit is over.

It’s random with me, I’d say, up to five times. Once I sneezed blurry fast twice very hard and awkwardly getting up from sitting down; it threw my back out. A friend of mine got a ruptured disk from sneezing so it could’ve been worse.
