I am a middle of the road American with regards to politics: a fiscal conservative and a civil libertarian. I am a free market capitalist, who like Milton Friedman, believes in a strong social safety net. I think many times regulations do more harm than good and it would be better to look at changing incentives rather than trying to regulate behavior. I am an independent who has voted mostly for the Democrats since 2000, though I have voted for Republicans in the past when they were willing to compromise and did not deride science or the poor.
I have always tepidly supported gun control. I grew up in the eighties and the crime epidemics and the waves drug induced of killings in cities made me believe that guns were bad and that ownership should be curtailed. I thought that the hyperbole offered by my right wing friends about black helicopters, Ruby Ridge, and Clinton/Obama wanting to seize their guns was ridiculous. I like many liberals, thought government was mostly helpful and the whole blood of patriots stuff was nonsense.
Lately, however, I have been drinking the Kool-aid. Not about the federal government wanting to seize our guns, not about Obama and the federal government overturning the Constitution, I still think all that stuff does not survive scrutiny in most cases, but more about the state of the justice system in this country. When there is an economic incentive to lock up our populace in private prisons, is it any wonder we incarcerate more of our population than the rest of the world? When almost 25% of the revenue for Ferguson, MO comes from traffic and court fines, is it any wonder the police are behaving the way they are?
We have set up a system doomed to fail. The military industrial complex lobbies for weapons systems and uses media to whip up support for foreign interventions. Private prisons lobby for harsher laws and support public campaigns for 3 strikes laws and other ways to increase their profits while at the same time they support methods of disenfranchising felons and making it harder for the poor to wield political power. We also have increasing calls, again supported by moneyed interests, to cut taxes. Court fines, red light cameras, and civil forfeiture are increasingly being used to fund local governments, and the poor are mostly at the pointy end of the stick.
Watching the events in Ferguson: tear gas used on peaceful protesters, automatic weapons being trained on the same, police threatening to kill people if they do not peacefully obey them, the media being contained and arrested and cameras being seized, all of this makes me wonder if it would be better if the public was armed.
The real irony of all this is that many of my staunch right wing friends think that the citizens of Ferguson are criminals and don’t think that gun rights are really applicable here.
Anyway, what do you think? Do the events in Ferguson, MO increase your support for gun rights?
Poll coming.