Do the police ever kill some of those "battle-ready" private citizens standing in a group?

Thanks, Martin. Emphasis added. The shootings we read about and discuss here are almost always state and local cops, not federal LEOs.

Don’t forget the biker gang mass killing in Waco several weeks ago. Police have refused to say how many of them were shot by police, which suggests that many of them were.

Nitpick, but here is a link to a Steering Wheel column holster mount, available online for $34.95 (gift wrapping for $5 extra). There are a lot of other sellers of similar items, plus under-dash holster mounts, many advertised as ‘concealed’ or ‘invisible’.

Knowing that such things ARE available, if I was a cop I’d be pretty jumpy about suspects reaching into this area.
But I do agree that police officers should receive more training in de-escalating tactics. But that means we taxpayers would have to pay more for more highly-trained cops.

That actually isn’t relevant to what I said–I said “a place where a gun cannot be concealed.” If it’s your opinion the product at that link wouldn’t be immediately visible to a police officer conducting a traffic stop I posit you’ve probably never looked inside a car from outside of a car before, because that shit would be obvious immediately.

You can, obviously, strap a gun to anything, but that doesn’t mean it’s concealed–the gun in the picture at your link isn’t concealed from anyone.

“Should be taken out with whatever means necessary”??? Holy shit…

In re: the OP, I am reminded of the Rodney King riots and the iconic scene of the cops driving off. Of course, they will not stay away for long, and as soon as reinforcements arrive they will be back.

I agree completely. Cops should brutally suppress criminals of all races by whatever means necessary.

Part of this is likely the reemergence of a “warrior class” in American society. Young men are raised in patriotic households, told that serving and dying for your country is the highest possible honor, and then head overseas to fight in America’s wars. They return home and join law enforcement or otherwise join security positions and then raise families with the same values, who continue the process. We are reaching a point - which, for what it is worth, it not at all atypical historically - where the people who secure our physical wellbeing are culturally and even genetically from those they protect. A large part of this process, I would wager, has resulted from the progressive stigmatization of law enforcement, the military, and masculinity, discouraging all but those thoroughly ensconced in traditional values from entering into these fields.

Tangentially related, but the black panthers in California used to walk around with openly displayed weapons. I think a long as the barrel was pointing down you were OK under state law. Cops didn’t like having armed, angry black people watching them while they mistreated people, so that law was changed. I’m not sure if law enforcement or the public pushed to change the law but it create political will to disarm people.

Interesting perspective. I’ve also heard a few law enforcement rejects who couldn’t get hired say the interview process weeds out so many people the bulk of what’s left at dishonest, authoritarian, etc.

The only way to pass the interviews is to lie since almost everyone is a criminal nowadays.

Having said that, real crime is going down while the police become more militant. The public aren’t going to indefinitely support cops using violent military tactics against drug users and the mentally ill.

They argued Second Amendment rights, nonetheless California legislature passed laws forbiding it spearheaded by none other than Ronald Reagan. I’m on my crap phone or I’d link to a cite.

Yes indeed but don’t forget how many of their leaders died in police confrontations. Admittedly, not when they were awake and openly carrying arms, but privately.

I’ve got your back, Sitnam.

The Panthers Were Right and Reagan Was Wrong on Gun Control


Fortunately the cops can identify criminals by eyeballing them.

Or after spending many years abroad as an instrument of national foreign policy, they just return home physically and emotionally damaged to become homeless alcoholics and drug addicts before killing themselves.

Or maybe, instead, their children decide to go to college.

Meat heat redneck bullshit.

There have always been people who believe in “might makes right”. People who get a charge out imposing their will on others or believe the only reason they should do something is because someone is physically making them (as opposed to doing it because it is right or makes logical sense).

When I hear someone complain about “progressive stigmatization of law enforcement, the military, and masculinity”, I suspect they are going to have a difficult time living in a world that is increasing less tolerant of people getting their way by throwing their weight around.

I don’t like untrained, unregulated vigilantes walking around “enforcing the law” either.

I think stealing of millions from the public by not paying grazing fees IS an ongoing threat to the public. The cops will strangle a guy for selling cigarettes but the feds wuss out with a bunch of Dirty Harry wannabees.

Theses guys posed an active threat to anyone in the area. They don’t deserve the benefit of any doubt.

Cops very rarely kill anyone.

Did you mean to say “whites” but just mis-typed?

Nope. I simply value math. Try it sometime.

In most countries, yes. In the US, on the order of a thousand a year.

That represents the less than 1% of police stops/arrests in which the alleged assailant is shot, let alone killed. It hardly ever happens - and again, in the rare occasion that it does, it’s almost always justified.

And while we’re at it, let’s squash any forced racial-narratives:

Between 1999 and 2011, a 1,000 more whites were killed than blacks. And before we go about bringing up population percentages, violent crime per capita is much higher amongst blacks, as is gang affiliation. Math rules!

Here’s the most important fact:

The vast amount of blacks in this country are non-violent. The vast amount of police officers in this country are responsible and law-abiding. We must remember these things, while refusing media outlets and forced narratives to cloud our logic.