For about the last month or so, I’ve been feeling pretty shabby. Constantly tired, no matter how much sleep I got; recurring bouts of feeling weak, dizzy spells, and shortness of breath after the slightest amount of exertion. I sort of chalked it up to stress and poor sleeping habits. It hit a peak last week, where I kept feeling pretty awful, and my mother kept commenting that I looked pale.
Her pale remarks kind of got my attention, so I started thinking about what the problem could be. I thought iron-deficiency anemia was a likely candidate; my mother has suffered from it, I don’t eat a very iron-rich diet, I have very heavy periods, and upon a little research, my symptoms are a good fit. No, I’m not in the habit of self-diagnosis, but I’m still waiting to get benefits at work, so I don’t have much choice but to wait until that happens before going to the doctor.
At any rate, I decided to pick up some iron supplements, along with a multivitamin, to see if that at least made some kind of difference. I didn’t really figure I would see any noticeable results until a few weeks after starting them, but I vowed to take them every day. So Saturday I took the first iron pill and multivitamin.
Sunday I felt better than I have in months. Of course I’ve heard the term “felt like a new person” but it’s never been so literally true for me. I wasn’t feeling like I could go out and run any marathons, or do anything unusual, but I also didn’t feel like walking down the steps was a major task. I didn’t have a single dizzy spell. And I had the best night’s sleep in months. Last night, I took another, and today, I felt the same as yesterday. I swear, I felt so much better that I almost felt like something was wrong - like the feeling of malaise that has been following me was starting to define me, and once it was gone, I felt a little disconnected.
The only thing I’ve changed is the vitamins. I have a really hard time believing they could have had such a significant effect so quickly.
So, is it possible? I’m so skeptical about it that I doubt it could be psychosomatic.