I certainly believe in spirits no matter what we call them and no matter if they are plant, animal or human.
Conciousness seems to require a functioning brain. There’s no verifiable evidence of a concious entity with no brain.
It’s not a matter of belief. There are not, and cannot be, any such thing as the ghosts of popular mythology. They have contradictory properties: sometimes they clearly have form and substance and are therefore made of ordinary matter, at other times they do not and are not. Ergo, false.
What is a “ghost?” What is it made of? Where is it located in the human body? Is it conscious? Can it move? Does it have sensory perception? If so, what are the mechanisms for those perceptions. Does it have memories? Where are they stored?
Nothing about the concept is scientifically intelligible or credible or logical. Also, there isn’t a shred of evidence for it.
Short answer: no.
What he said.
No. I don’t believe in Beatles, either. Elvis I’m still on the fence about.
First you gotta define what you mean by “ghost.” Clearly define it and I’ll tell you whether I believe in it.
Seriously. This is not a brush-off reply. Define exactly what you mean by “ghost.”
Shouldn’t this be in IMHO? I don’t think anyone would bother debating your OP, since whether you do or do not believe in ghosts is pretty moot.
Yeah…Dubya at yesterday’s press conference was ghastly.
Wait. I just realized you said “ghosts.”
No, I don’t. Why the hell would I? Got any factual evidence? Right. Didn’t think so.
I’ve been wondering that too. The OP has set it up for opinion and not debate. Well, I’ll take the liberty.
Moved from GD to IMHO.
Just like everyone else, I really think that it would help if we set up some sort of definition of what exactly a ghost is considered. So if you do believe in ghosts please explain what it is you believe a ghost is.
Short answer for me too is no. But I do believe that people have souls and there is an afterlife. I guess I just don’t think the two really mix well.
No, but I do believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster .
Give us a decent definition.
Hey, you’re off to a great start.
Interesting. Please define “soul” and we can talk.
Can a rock have a ghost? Or is DNA a prerequisite. Bacteria? Viruses?
One can believe whatever they want. However, for facts, you need evidence.
Of course there aren’t ghosts. There also are no martians, unicorns, leprechauns, or hobbits.
No, I don’t believe in them at all.
On the other hand, I do believe that I am prone to a certain degree of suggestibility, and I think that that’s what’s behind people thinking they are experiencing the supernatural. For example, if I watch a really creepy movie, or if I read Lovecraft for four or five hours straight, I get kind of jumpy. So I’d kind of like to go to some supposedly haunted place and see what my mind decides to do with it.
Nope. If ghosts are detectable to the human senses (e.g., they emit photons which our retinas can detect), then they should be detectable by scientific instruments. But lots of people have spent decades trying to record or otherwise prove the existence of ghosts, and they have all failed to do so. So it seems very unlikely that ghosts exist. I refuse to consider the possibility that there are undetectable ghosts–how could they exist in space and time and yet not have any physically detectable properties?