Do you do backups of computer data?

I will admit that at the moment I do not backup my computer and was wondering if you do it and if so what you use.
Tell me any difficulties or tips for backing up the computer. Thanks.

I just burn My Documents onto a CD and store it somewhere safe. I’ve hadf a complete disaster once, necessitating a clean install. As I’ve got everything together in one box, including a full retail copy of XP, it’s a straightforward matter to put everything back together. Mind you, my time isn’t particularly valuable, so I can afford to spend half a day doing this :wink: Nor is it an option for people who need to back up data every day or two. Or who have more than a few GBs of data needing keeping (I don’t bother backing up audio files).

I have six computers networked. Each one has a full image backed up on a 120Gig bootable (slave) drive in one of the computers. If one computer had a drive failure, I could put the backup drive in it, copy its image to a new slave drive, and have it look and feel the same as it was. I do incremental backups sporadically of each machine.

I only backup personal files. Everything else I can reinstall. I make two backups each week. I keep one on hand at the PC, the other is in my drawer at work for if this place burns down.

I wrote a batch file that copies all files and folders under ‘My Documents’ into one zip file. It also makes a copy of my .pst folder for Outlook (contains all my email & address books) and drops it in the same ‘backup’ folder.

I then simply burn the backup folder to CD.

I keep all my programs on disk, and once a month or so, I burn all the install files of any programs I have downloaded to disc as well.

Sweet, simple and easy to restore.

The only data on my computer I am concerned with backing up are my digital photos. Anything else is replaceable, or stuff I’m not really worried about. So I back up all my digital photos to both my laptop, and to CD-R. The real key for me is to organize everything so I know what to back up. I organize photos by date taken, so I know at a glance what is already backed up and what needs to be backed up. All back up CD-Rs are kept in a CD wallet, so if my house was on fire I could grab that wallet and save it.

I back up My Favourites (bookmarks), my mail folders, any new install files, any digital photos that I’ve taken since last back up, and any other documents that I’ve been sent or created, or whatever. I keep stuff either in My Documents or a folder on the desktop called back up. I just burn those to cd every couple of weeks.

I use a DLT8000 tape backup, with 80gb tapes, no problems here.

Put my important data files in my Yahoo briefcase. It keeps it off-site, and I can reach them from any Internet connected computer.

I have an external Firewire hard drive (120 GBs). Every month, I plug it in, and copy everything to it.