Do you dream in color?

Or is it true that all dreams are in black and white? I couldve sworn my dream was in color last night. At least I think it was… I dunno anymore. :confused:

yes, I have had dreams in color… and in black and white…

I was taking that 5htp… supposed to help you sleep better and stay in a better mood…

anywho… after taking it for about a month I did sleep better but had some very strange, vivid dreams… so strange that I still remember some of them… and they all had color.

Not only in colour, but complete with surround sound as well.

They say over 50% of all dreams are in black and white, but I’ve never had a remembered dream that wasn’t in colour.

I myself have loads of strange dreams, just had some last night.

I can safely say I dream in color, most of the time, anyway. Just 6 hours ago I was in the midst of a dream where I saw a car crash, and the car caught fire. There were 3 puppies inside - two looked like German Shepherds, and one was a Golden Retriever. I knew this from the colorations. It was also a blue car.

I should note that I pulled the puppies out first, then went back to check on the driver. I have no memory of that part, though. Yeah, I love dogs.

Always dream in color…

Well, except one time when I (an avid fan of the original Twilight Zone) dreamt a TZ-themed dream in black-and-white. Pretty cool too: I was not a participant or a character in the dream, which had establishing shots, multiple scenes and even a plot with a twist at the end. Basically it was just like watching the real thing :slight_smile:

As an added bonus, off topic: I have been killed in dreams on three occasions with no ill effects. So I know that’s possible too.

From what I can recall, I always dream in color. I don’t recall having a black-and-white dream, ever. To get a little off-topic, I tend to visit the same places in my dreams, but in different scenarios. I don’t keep a detailed dream journal, but I believe the places correspond to certain emotional and stress levels IRL.

I dreamed with subtitles, once.

Always color, AFAIK. I was surprised to learn that there are some people who are skeptical of those who claim to dream in color…

OTOH, I am not sure that I would notice if a dream is in black and white. Dreams have a certain suspension of disbelief, where you’re not making comparisons to reality… that kind of comparison would be needed, I’d think to even register that the world is B&W.

I always dream in color, as well, and on occasion the colors can be quite vivid.

I dream in colour. Sound. Touch. Even smell and taste sometimes. I’ve dreamt in cartoons, complete with paper texture, paint splatters, layers, and definite drawing styles. I’ve dreamt dialogue in different languages too; not just English, but also Esperanto and French.

Once during a major project I dreamt in Labview

I must dream as vividly as Sunspace – all five senses are present (even taste!) and the colors are vivid. I can’t remember ever dreaming in B&W.

My dreams have plots, character development, sequels… And, strangely, when I dream in Italian, I’m more fluent and speak with a much better accent than I do in real life. :stuck_out_tongue:

do dream in colour?
or does your brain automatically think the colour?

…i was thinking about my dream and i saw an apple. but did i see red?.. or did my brain automatically attribute red to it?
like the schindler’s list effect. after a while you don’t realize it’s black and white… you assume everything is in colour.

i rarely remember seeing colour in my dream…
the only thing i can actually say about dreaming colour is that i remember finding a piece of paper with writing on it. the writing was in black but after putting the paper down, i noticed that the paper itself was purple… and that caught me by surprise…
i needed to remember that later in my dream to prove something.

i’m just rambling…
i think we dream in colour…

I’ve never dreamed in color that I can remember… it always sort of looks like night vision. Of course, I’ve never had a flying dream either, so I might not be very representative of the population.

I don’t know.

I remember very, very few of my dreams, and for the ones I do remember, I’m not sure if I was actually seeing color or if I merely knew what the color of the object was supposed to be. I’ll know the fire truck was red, but I don’t know if it’s because I saw a red truck or because I saw a greyish truck that I knew was a fire truck, and fire trucks are supposed to be red.

I’m pretty sure I don’t dream in technicolor

Many of my dreams are in color. Often times the color of various objects is significant in my dreams. I have had dreams where I saw red flashing lights or steady, dim green lights. In one dream all the houses in my complex were either painted blue, orange or grayish-brown. I once had a dream where two guys each wearing black and yellow striped shirts were threatening to shoot me.

I am pretty sure I dream in colour.

It was a post just like your op in alt.dreams newsgroup that inspired my “weird things you believed as a kid” - i.e. that I used to think the whole world was black and white until one day when it switched to colour.

Just to restate the original question here…

I recal reading a statistic somewhere (actually is was encylopedia brown’s book of weird and wonderful facts - i read this when I was a kid) and it stated as a fact that most people do not dream in color.

But I never understood where they got that statistic. I dream in color and everyone I have ever asked about the subject dreams in color as well. So is it just some sort of urban legand?

I always dream in color. Often color is an explicit element of the dream, and often one I’m noticing in the dream. I often have tactile, olfactory, and gustatory dreams as well.

When my clients describe dreams (which people do a lot in therapy), there are colors more often than not.

merge, the SSRI antidepressants can cause vivid dreams, so I’m not surprised that 5-HTP does.

Judith Prietht, I’ve never had subtitles, but sometimes I have a script in hand, and once I had an ASL interpreter.

A few nights ago, I had an extremely bizarre dream. All I could percieve were words in front of my eyes. I couldn’t feel, hear, touch, smell, taste or see anything else. The words were part of a book , and it had an extremely good, interesting plot - I think it was a political thriller, like a Clancy book. I remember being incredibly disappointed when I woke up and realized I’d never find out what happened next.

Normally, though, I do dream in color.