Do you ever share pictures of your food?

Just post the cleavage and “Nom nom nom”.

I may regret asking but what on earth is “nom nom nom”

I think it is some sort of Facebook speak for savaging your meal. It gets worse- it gets shortened to “You bring the wine and I’ll bring the noms along”.

You really need to get out more oreally :slight_smile:

On the contrary, I do get out; I guess that’s why I’m (happily) ignorant about “facebookspeak” Clearly these people are the ones who need to get out more :slight_smile: Anyway, thx for the translation

Tangentially: What’s with the meat cleaver in the piece of cake?

Ah, but accidental cleavage carries the deniability factor.

“Huh, didn’t notice. I was photographing the beer.”:smiley:

“Om nom nom nom” originated with the Cookie Monster on Sesame Street, which is a popular children’s television show that predates Facebook by about 30 years.

Well that’s even worse! :slight_smile:

That sort of reflects on my life. On a Saturday night I’m on a comouter instead of hitting the tiles.

i’ll get a liquid nom. :smiley:

Oh, Jebus, dude, that’s just disgu-- :looks up what poutine is: oh, okay.

I don’t think I’ve ever posted a food picture online, other than my wedding cake in an online album of wedding pictures.

When my husband and I were on opposite shifts, gardening was challenging because we didn’t know who’d done what. We took to photographing our little harvests and sending pics to each other by phone. When I made my first Thanksgiving dinner by myself I took a picture and sent it to my Mom, does that count?

Some girls like to buy new shoes.
And others like driving trucks and wearing tattoos.
There’s only one thing that they all like a bunch,
Oh, girls just want to have lunch,
yeah, girls just want to have lunch.

That’s where I am, too.

I think what gets me about taking a pic of one’s meal before eating it is just what I would regard as the excessive level of sharing the minutiae of one’s life.

There’s also an element of bassackwardsness to it. I might be tempted to take a pic of a meal if it was a meal of especially memorable quality, but by the time I’d be in a position to say that, a great deal of the food would already be gone.

I suppose I could take a pic of a meal before I started into it, with the possibility in mind that it might earn that level of sharing, but I just can’t get my head around the idea of taking a picture of a meal on spec like that.

Besides, no matter how great the presentation of the meal was, which is all you can take a pic of anyway, you can’t take a picture of how it tasted, and that’s the part that matters.

Never done it. I see no reason to unless it’s a beautifully decorated wedding cake. Posting a pic of, say, fried chicken is just weirdern’ owl shit.

I’ve occasionally posted a picture of a cake I’ve made. I’m generally not interested in food enough to do more than that, but I don’t have strong feelings about other people’s foodie pictures. Occasionally I’m a little grossed out at what other people think is tasty dinner.

I didn’t choose any option. I’ve shared a grand total of two pictures of what I was eating on Facebook, since I joined it in 2008. So it’s happened… but it’s not like it’s something I do.

Lots of people I know compulsively post pictures of their lunches, dinners, and whatever beer they are drinking. It’s not all that interesting to me but I look at it all, I’m addicted to Facebook.

All the time. We document our fine dining experiences for trip reports we make on various travel boards.

I cook so seldom that yes, I do put pics on FB. It’s a triumph of sorts. :slight_smile: