Do you feel and look your age?

That kinda made my brain hurt. I’m a fan of world music, some of which is quite different like The Hu, but most techno stuff leaves me cold.

I feel probably more content with myself now than previously. Partially because everything that has transpired with Covid put into place some perspective which previously I wouldn’t have had the time or inclination to self-reflect.

There are lifelong passions I keep up with but I’m not against finding new hobbies and pastimes to keep myself active. Some of these new hobbies are in fact old-fashioned activities which I have come to enjoy. I spend less time on the computer and in front of a TV as recreation now and more time in the offline world when I’m bored and on my own. That’s been great for my headspace and on that count I guess I feel better physically because I don’t have fatigue from being a screen zombie.

I’ve always had a baby face: I recently turned 50, and most people guess that I’m in my late 30s. I had a medical appointment the day after my birthday, and the nurse who took my vitals looked at my chart, looked at me, and said, “You’re 50?!” Being short contributes (I’m 5’3), as does being overweight (the aforementioned lack of wrinkles). Psychologically, I also feel mostly like I’m still in my 30s: there are fleeting moments when I feel like a competent, experienced adult, but I’m still pretty much winging everything. Being single with no kids is part of it; I think part of it is also seeing a “young” face in the mirror.

Physically, though, I definitely know that I’m 50: I’m post-menopausal, I need reading glasses (on top of my contact lenses), it takes an entire day to recover from staying out past midnight, etc.

In four weeks, I’ll be having bariatric surgery. I wonder/worry about the phenomenon Mama_Zappa mentioned. They say that a lot of bariatric patients wind up with a kind of body dismorphia, where they still see a fat person when they look in the mirror even though they’re at a healthy weight: looking much younger than I am has been part of my identity my entire life, and I can’t imagine suddenly looking my age (or older). I wonder if I would “see” it. It’d be weird to wind up looking older but feeling even younger because of the weight loss. :slight_smile:

I’m a 44 y/o man. I’m overweight, but my hair is still black and I haven’t lost any of it. I don’t have any wrinkles or lines around my eyes yet. Appearance wise I pass for someone in his mid 30s. As far as how I feel, I most definitely feel every one of those 44 years, although that may be due to my weight and diet rather than my chronological age.

I just turned 60. I always looked young, but suddenly my hair (which was a mousy brown, so it didn’t show a lot of gray) is white. I don’t have wrinkles, but I can feel my age. My knees have hurt since I was I my 20’s. Too much horse riding, maybe. Now my back hurts if I walk or stand for any great length of time. My balance has deteriorated a good bit. I’ve gained weight, which is the cyclical cause/effect of a lot of the pain, I suspect. I hurt so I don’t move as much, so I gain weight, which causes more pain. I can barely swing my leg over a horse, even though I use a mounting block (I’m short - I’ve always used a mounting block). I only take meds for my thyroid, which has been removed. BP and cholesterol are fine.

My guess is I now look my age. If I would take the trouble to dye my hair, I could knock a bit off that, but why bother? I’m not out to impress anyone.

I will add that I can still lift a full honey super from my bee hives (about 70 lbs) and carry in 300 lbs of feed.


K Pop was appropriated from the Japanese.

This is close to me, however I haven’t reached menopause quite yet. I’m getting there.

If I dye my hair, I easily look 10 years younger than my stated age. But I’m overweight, not active enough, and don’t eat right, so my body is telling me that I’m over 50.

My grandmothers, at age 50, had similar levels of activity, but one was overweight. The one who was overweight still looked younger than my other grandmother at 70, but was already in a wheelchair most of the time due to bad knees. Her being overweight probably did not help.

The other grandmother joined a gym after she turned 60, and also kept busy with work (hairdresser), yard work and hobbies. And she always kept her weight under control. It was never something she had to think about - she just never ate that much, or at least didn’t overeat much. She might have looked a bit older than my other grandmother, but she was able to do so much more.

I think state of mind has a big impact. I remember my Mum saying that her FIL thought she should give up tennis when she was 30 because she was ‘too old for that sort of thing’. 30 ! People had kids younger, dressed and behaved older, had less access to decent hairdressers… you name it.

I’m 51, and like to think I don’t look it, but am too afraid to ask my younger colleagues in case I don’t like the answer. I have another colleague I was surprised to discover was the same age as me - I swear she looks ten years older - and acts and dresses like it. When she’s discussing her grandkids, I’m planning my next trip to Rome.

I dress fashionably, pay good money for highlights and make up, have kept my weight down to only a few pounds over what I weighed in my 20s. And I don’t have any major health or joint problems. Just a bit stiff in the mornings. I’m still very active, and am not yet at the stage of paying someone else to paint my own walls. I wear reading glasses now, but nice ones. I think the only thing that really ages me are my teeth - I’m thinking seriously about veneers as I think they’re discolouring with age.

My parents are both in their mid 90s, which reflects the genes in the family, so I have a way to go yet. Fingers crossed.

This reminded me of a something coworker told me back in the early '80s. When her parents were dating, they liked to go out dancing and do all sorts of fun things. But once they got married, her mother cited 1 Corinthians 13:11:

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

And based on that, she gave up anything she considered childish, including the fun things she and her husband used to do. My friend said her dad was understandably unhappy with that marital bait-and-switch. It saddened me, and I never even knew her parents.

Incidentally, I had to look up that quote. Google to the rescue!

My inlaws were quite the opposite. Into their 70s and early 80s, they still enjoyed all sorts of outdoor activities - camping, swimming, exploring. And for all that they’re pretty hard-core Southern Baptists, I never heard them quote that chapter and verse. Sadly, in their 90s, they have so many health issues, they only go out to go to the doctor.

I’m 51, but don’t think I look it. I’ve always been short and skinny, and the wrinkles aren’t too advanced. If it weren’t for the haunted, disillusioned, tragic experience in my eyes, I could pass for younger.

Also, I’m developing a patch of gray in my hair. I’m hoping it turns into a stripe like Cinderella’s wicked stepmother had.

It occurred to me that, while I might not think I look my age or remember people looking older when I was young, I’m probably not the best judge since I’ve slid into it over the years. Same for the people around me. Maybe I’m more likely to overlook the signs in friend and family or the middle-aged woman at the grocery store.

What I really need is for someone to show my picture to some 15 year olds and see if they say “Who’s that old dude? Is he like 50 or something?”

I almost posted a recent photo of me to ask, but it seemed like a cry for affirmation or some other vain endeavor. I honestly don’t care if someone tells me I look 42 or 58 or 75… OK, I might cringe at a guess more than 10 years higher than my age. Still, I am curious how I come across to people.

I have noticed, tho, I have a very serious RBF, which ages me, while candid shots where I’m really happy are most flattering, and I think they take a few years off. And for the record, I hate hate hate it when men make stupid jokes like “Are you 29 still?” That’s not flattering - it’s insulting, suggesting that I’m so shallow as to lie about my age.

I turned 60 in June and feel great. People are surprised to learn I’m that old. My hair is mostly black, with a touch of gray on the sides.

My Pacific Islander skin is tanned and not very wrinkly. Years ago as a youngster my mother taught me to stop furling my brow and forehead. She said that when I get older my forehead would become wrinkly. So I stopped, and it hasn’t. And I see others who do it and the wrinkles on their forehead are quite pronounced.

One thing that surprises me, and pleasantly so, is sex. When I was younger I wouldn’t have thought that sex in my 60s would be a thing. And could be a thing. But that is great and I hope it continues to be for years to come.

Pun unintended. :slight_smile:

I turn 61 next month. I feel and look old. Not ancient, but old. Plenty of aches and pains, tho I still exercise a reasonable amount, and am reasonably thin. Still have all my hair, tho there is way more salt than pepper.

Actually, I think I look considerably better and am more fit than many many 60 year old men. But the fact that so many folk look worse, doesn’t mean I’m not old.

Hell, my youngest kid just turned 30. You can’t be young and have all your kids in their 30s!

The other day I said something to my wife about us being the old couple in the neighborhood and she asked something like, “Do you think we’re old?” Damn skippy. Now excuse me while I go chase those kids off the lawn!

Last job before I re-retired, I shared an office with a n00b engineer who was young enough to be my grandson!! That was interesting.

Hah! This has… NOT been a problem for me! :sob:

Though, I really AM 29. We won’t discuss just how long I’ve been 29 though. I tell everyone “I’m going to stay 29 until I get it right”. Not sure what happens if I don’t figure that out until I’m too old to remember why…

I can confirm this (well, not scientifically, but anecdotally). My mom told me a few months ago that I was “way too old” to be running still. I’m 45 for Pete’s sake. I can’t run a full three miles right now without walking, but everything hurts if I don’t run, so I’d rather act “immature” and be pain free than act my age and lay in bed with my joints on fire.

She also gets annoyed at me for not sitting properly. Meaning, usually if I’m on the couch and no one is over, I curl up or throw my legs over the arm of the chair because it’s just more comfortable. I also sit on the floor if I’m sweaty from running but haven’t showered yet and want to hang out with the kids. It bothers her to no end that I’m not comporting myself appropriately. That’s a big deal for her, comportment. It was important to my grandparents as well. I agree to a certain extent that it’s important - but if I’m in my own home with people close to me and I’m not being a jerk, most rules of comportment can kick rocks.

I am almost 73, I imagine to others I may look about my age but to me I feel and look much younger. One major adjustment I have had to make is getting used to dating older women. This was much easier than I thought. Once I found out how good love making can be with older women they started looking a lot better to me and the transition has not been rough at all. I find I like the company of the older women better also.

My hands are just starting to bother me. I may grasp something and some fingers don’t want to open…wtf is that? I guess there are 100+ forms of arthritis. Mine feels like tendons or muscles or something don’t want to relax.

Arthritis - Wikipedia

Your looks might be good but the mind is slipping a bit. You posted here on the third and the sixth!

Dude, we can all see your picture right in your post. You have grey hair and beard. You look really familiar also. Pretty sure I’ve seen you somewhere before.

I’m a mid fifties male. No wrinkles, little grey at the temples, like I’m a distinguished type. :smiley: Same weight as when I was in college and the military, almost to the pound. I can still do a lot of the stuff I did when younger: softball, volleyball, tennis and touch football. The main problem is finding people of any age who have the time to get together to play.