Do you find it helpful or annoying when people link to older, related threads?

I realize that the words of the person linking can completely set the tone , ex:

“Here’s a related thread were we discussed this. Enjoy, sunshine.”
“Hey fuckface, we did this already!”

I’m not talking about specific examples of where people are mean or nice, I just mean the simple act of linking to an older thread. In GQ, it usually seems to be helpful. In IMHO and MPSIMS, do you take it as a kind act (here, view what some other people had to say on the subject) or a rude one (This has already been done!)?

I don’t like it when people link to older threads with a rude comment about how it’s been done already. Many new people weren’t here the first time it was done, and some of us didn’t participate the first time, but have something to add to it this time. It seems like almost all of the threads have been done at least once already!

That being said, sometimes the link is useful. I liked all of the embarrassing things that happened during sex threads, and re-read them when they are linked to.

I’ve also totally given up on telling everyone where I got my username from. Link to one of the old threads - I’m probably in there.

If it’s GQ, it’s helpful. If it’s not, it’s annoying (generally) mostly cause this Board is so freakin’ slow.

I find it helpful no matter where it is. Be it in GD, MPSIMS, or IMHO. It gives me a chance to see what older posters said. They could have possibly changed their mind or their could be funny material in that thread. Now if the person is cursing at you saying It’s Been Fucking Done!! then yeah it’s bad, but most generally I don’t see it as a bad thing.

Sheesh! Three people posted while I was waiting for a ‘Post Reply’ page, but I’m here now, so I’m postin’ :stuck_out_tongue:

If the question was already answered in a previous GQ thread, then I appreciate the link, otherwise I don’t usually want to see it.
After all, a lot of people weren’t here the last time around and so didn’t get to input their opinions/comments/jokes, and deserve the same chance to do so as the old hands. And I might want to read the newbies’ opinions/comments/jokes. And even though I may get tired of “How’d you pick your user name” every few months, I don’t have to open the thread now do I?

Mostly agree with what’s been said already.

If you want to hear more, visit this thread where the exact same question was asked already.

If the thread is about a factual topic then I think it’s nice. The more data, the better. If the thread is primarily just people’s opinions on a topic (i.e. everything in MPSIMS or IMHO), I usually find it irritating, though it really does depend on the tone of the person linking.

Here is a thread from about two years ago about illegal aliens at the Betty Ford Clinic. It has nothing what so ever to do with this thread, and there is no good reason for anybody reading this to be annoyed just by the existance of my link. Now if you visit that linked thread, you have only yourself to blame because I’ve already told you what it was about.

Yes, it’s helpful UNLESS the comment linking to the older thread is patronizing, condescending, etc.

On one hand, if one links to an older thread, perhaps one ought to be extra-careful in expressing that he/she isn’t trying to be condescending. (Assuming the person in question really cares how they may be coming off)

On the other hand, it’s certainly possible to be too quick to take offense at a link to an old thread.

Assuming it is done in a nice way, it is helpful. More than anything, it reminds people to search for older threads on the same topic before starting one.

Heaven knows I’m always embarrassed and pleased when people point out a duplicate topic to a thread I’ve posted. I even commited a Cardinal sin before. I posted a question in GQ that was anwered by Cecil(eeeeek!!!). :slight_smile:

Alright Panamajack, yer name is going on… [echo chamber] the LIST! [/echo chamber]


I think it’s always helpful. Even if it’s a thread like “what’s your favourite TV show?” because if I have time can read the old thread and it might jog my memory or help me think of something better than my original thought. If I don’t want to read the older thread, then I’ll just skip the link.

As far as the tone in which it is pointed out, a polite tone is better, but if someone on the board chooses to say “Mr. Winkelried must be drunk or stupid to not know we discussed this yesterday” I will most probably shrug my shoulders and ignore the impertinent poster. Life is too short to go looking for reasons to take offense.

By the tits of Meshe! This is going too far. I was getting totally discombobulated and lost amongst all the windows I had open.
panamajack, please report to the Straight Dope office at once for re-education.

Always helpful. And I pretty much agree with Arnold. I’m here, hidden behind my user name, you’re out there, behind yours. Words that you type on a screen are not going to piss me off in any real, beyond a one-second feeling of “why’d he have to do it that way” way. It’s not the same as if you came to my door, knocked it down and yelled in my face: “It’s been fucking done before!”

So, if I post something, usually it’s something I’m genuinely interested in. If it’s been done before, then, please, tell me, as I would love to learn more. Link in any fashion you see fit.

Sir Rhosis

Hey, you knew it was going to happen in a thread like this … in fact it’s probably happened before … in an earlier thread …

I’ve noticed that if someone comes off as abrasive or condescending when referencing an old (IMHO or MPSIMS) thread, it colors my perception of the thread, and I may not even click on it. If, instead, someone puts in a note like “Hey, this one’s got some funny ones too!” I’m more likely to enjoy the exact same thread.

In GQ, it seems a little different – there are well-meaning people who don’t want to clog up the archives with multiple threads, but sometimes the questions head in a different direction so it can be interesting as well.

Now, with a slight twist … how do you feel about people linking to their own related questions that weren’t fully answered? Should they instead repost the question in a new thread?

In many respects I feel that it is obligatory to post links to previous matching threads. It gives the newbies a perfect window onto the established tenor of the boards. What better way to learn the views of Straight Dope’s chief denizens? Helping repair links is another favor that is nice to do whenever possible. All of it (except in extreme cases) should be done in a civil fashion, as with any other exchange at these boards.

I mention this because any of us with experience here should be in possession of enough skill to help out the moderators whenever we can beat them to the punch (which isn’t all too often), by cleaning up or posting links. I’ll even throw mentioning when an OP is off-forum into the hat.

My 2¢

Just MHO, but I think people should provide links whenever they reference another thread. Someone, especially a newbie, may not have a clue what they’re talking about, and it’s tiresome to do a search in order to put the first post in context. It’s particularly annoying when you only have a vague word or phrase to go on, then you turn up a post with multiple pages. Those who don’t want to know the backstory, don’t have to click the link, but those who do should be given the option.

Coldfire has never said this to me, but I would greatly welcome it. :smiley:

Amazing prediction: A dozen or so posters have copied down this quote and will be carefully watching all threads Arnold starts for the next few months. Poor Arnold!

Kat, I’m nost starting any new threads for awhile. I already dodged the bullet once yesterday.