We all know the type of person who gets belligerent when they drink; also the type of person who bitches about or obsesses on their no-good-ex or dubious choice of current SO. People who think they can drive but they can’t. People who lose all personal objects not actually sewn onto them.
But I’m wondering, am I the only one who, after a couple of glasses of wine, feels like I’m at an eternal Italian wedding? The injustice and strife of our perverse little world pales in the face of a stalwart little girl or plucky woodland animal. I feel the warmth of unspoken connection between myself and all of my brothers and sisters. (i.e., everyone on earth.) Anyone under 18, I regard with the steady fondness of a favorite auntie.
All in all, it is an excellent time to ask me for a pony.
I don’t think I know anybody else who has this experience. Am I weird?
Me too. I’m relaxed, loving and start cuddling people I like. My husband thinks this a welcome change from my usual stressed out self, so he likes it wnen i have 1-2 glasses. Anyway, the effect is shortlived. i quickly become tired and go to bed maybe an hour after the " I love you guys!"- stage.
Still, i wonder sometimes if a case can be made that that person is my uninhibited self. Loving, affectionate, a bit silly and lazy.
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For me, a drink or two does amplify the positive / happy parts of my personality. I get even more ebullient, a little goofy, and (hopefully not inappropriately ) more affectionate.
Abso-fucking-lutely!! In fact, it’s now officially afternoon where I live, so, why not…?
I do have a few friends who are sloppy/angry drunks, and I never understand that. I don’t know if it’s genetic or what, but there are few things worse than an angry drunk.
I get very talkative, and previous girlfriends have used this to their advantage. I’m normally rather quiet, and they’ve been shocked when they find out I have things to say.