Do you have a journal...

I’ve often tried keeping a paper journal, but it always felt akward and I never got more than one entry down, if that. Nearly a year ago I started up a LiveJournal, which I’m much better at keeping up with. I think it’s because of the imaginary audience thing; even in private entries I still write as if someone will be reading them. But with the LiveJournal, it’s the vast, Anonymous Audience of the Internet. With a paper journal, it’s friends and family. Realistically, no one will ever read anything I intend to keep private, and I don’t actually fear that. It’s just how I write, and I prefer the hypothetical faceless multitude over the alternative.

As for what I put in it, it’s mostly assorted updates, amusing anecdotes, and–of course–whiny bitching (what journal is complete without that?). There are also plenty of deep, introspective entries, but they’re almost always kept private.

As you know, I have a Livejournal. Its only purpose is to entertain me when I am bored. Oh, and humor my vain, selfish, voyeuristic tendencies. :smiley:

I clicked over out of curiousity and saw your pictures.

Holy mother of god, how you doin’?

Heh. If you still had a LJ I’d say you should friend me, as most of my posts are pics. But nooo, SOMEONE is too good for LJ! (kidding!)

What? I don’t have an LJ? Oh, you mean that post up there about deleting mine? Pshaw. That post doesn’t exist. That post never existed. I got an LJ. I got 15 LJs. Hell, I own LJ. And Six Apart. As a matter of fact, I own the Internet.

Damn. I wish.

I’ll stop being inappropriate now and let the thread continue on it’s innocent trek toward journal-related things.

::Bows:: That was lovely. You can add me to YOUR internet any day.