Do you have a superiority complex?

I dunno Darwin strikes me as the kind of guy that worked on Sundays.

There’s some truth to that. The entire idea of a Sabbath is to get people to relax. It doesn’t need to be denominational.

Well, a lot of the political threads boil down to someone saying how things should be, and indeed how they obviously would be, but for the resistance of some uneducated, dogmatic types who resist what’s clearly in their best interest.

But it seems clear that Darwin did give up God.

From here. He clearly was a believer when young. Einstein was a pantheist at best. Galileo was no doubt a believer, but the evidence against God was not yet in.

Superiority complex? My superiority is simple and readily apparent to all.

And we’re still waiting for the evidence for God to be delivered. :wink:

Nonsense, fool. So You Think You Can Dance = good TV. The show you’re thinking of is American Idol.

Well, people that chose to post, anyway. In that regard, allow me to toss my hat in the ring. I’m more educated than the general populace, I make twice the national average, and I generally lord my intelligence over those around me. I’m fun to be around, and I’m only occasionally a dick in real life. So compared the the “common folk”, yes, I’m way above them. Put me in the 70-80th percentile.

I’m still waiting for the evidence against God to be presented myself. :wink:

It’s filed right behind the evidence that unicorns never existed.

I don’t believe such evidence exists.

By your standards you’d need to present evidence that such evidence doesn’t exist.

That by the way why *your standards *are silly. :smiley:

Evidence against God, or evidence against unicorns?

Well, regardless, the evidence that that evidence against God exists is filed right behind the evidence against Santa, and the evidence that the evidence against unicorns exists is filed right behind the evidence that the evidence that the evidence against bigfoot exists exists. You just have to know where to look, y’see.


My standards are stricter than yours. ;p

I recently read a study that - on average - men rate themselves as more intelligent than they are.

In answer to the op, absolutely.

Chessic Sense, please refer to the post by Half Man Half Wit

Totally. It may not be accurate, but it’s what keeps me going from day to day, despite a wife who (accurately) describes it as the useless BS inculcated by my hopelessly-optimistic mother.

That’s what the elite are there for.

In some ways yes, but i make up for it by being deficient in other areas, and recognizing that I’m not really superior, just different. I try to acknowledge that in various ways, and usually more often than not, I tend to be more self-critical than I am at considering myself superior.

But I’m tryin’, Ringo. I’m tryin’ real hard…

Superiority complex?
I am simply superior.


I’ve met some really stupid people who were clearly convinced that they were very clever. If you’ve ever had a complete moron try to run a scam on you, you’ll know what I mean.

As far as I can tell, most people are convinced that they’re smarter than average, and no amount of evidence is going to change that belief.

Most people who are smart in one area are stupid in another.

Me? Yes, I’m pretty clever. In some areas. But I’m also wise enough to know that I do not know it all, and that I can make mistakes just as stupid as anyone else’s.

Personally I rate wisdom much higher than cleverness.