Do you have friends at work?

I didn’t truly realize this until after I was laid off from Former Employer. The woman whom I considered my BFF there? Haven’t seen her in years, even though we were very close as in getting-together-outside-of-work-a-few-times-a-week. I babysat her kids so she and her husband could have a night out. I once saved her son from a riptide. I don’t even know if she’s still with Former Employer.

I get along just fine with my current coworkers. It’s just that I’m old enough to be their mother; ergo that age difference sort of makes it awkward.

I’ve got quite a few friends at work, but many are people I knew before in other contexts (I work for a large employee in a small industry).

Quite a few in mine, actually. We don’t often hang out as we have homes and families to go back to, but we have friendly chats at lunchtime or in the common areas, and at least once a month some kind of party or night out at the pub. It’s one of the saving graces of my workplace, I think.