Do you have Good and Evil siblings?

Just one, and she is evil.

Yes, my evil twin pretends to be me and even uses my name to ruin my life.

No i don’t !

All of my siblings are good. But for most of my life, I felt like the evil twin. Or maybe more accurately, the “not as good” twin.

I would be lying if I said I had gotten over this feeling.

My older brother is a die hard Republican - you would think he and I would not be on speaking terms, but we cleverly agreed ages ago never to speak politics and not send any glurge emails.

Because of this, we are great friends - he comes up to Las Vegas to visit regularly, and we talk at least once a week on the phone (usually for about an hour or more) and laugh and laugh and have a grand old time.

My younger brother and I have not spoken nor communicated in any form in many, many years - and that is just fine with me. He is an idiot, been married and divorced eight times, moved back to our old hometown and quickly alienated all of the relatives and even they have nothing to do with him - so at least I know it is not just me. My older brother still keeps in contact with him and has to bite his tongue a lot - but every once in a blue moon he will toss me a tale of younger brother’s continued idiocy and that is ample.

I should have seen this coming ages ago - even as kids, my younger brother was always the pain in the ass, troublemaking, idiot.

I never saw this thread when it came out; I would have posted in it if I had. Yes, 2 sisters… one “Of The East”, one “Of The West”. I’ve tried to mend some things with “Of The West” but her actions have literally cost the family dearly.
“Of The East” is a hateful lost cause who has been out of my life and that of my family for several years. Last I heard, her husband (who was truly just as bad) left her & is dying of cancer in Brooklyn. I guess cancer has to eat something.

I have a good sister who is a little lost at times. Her I’ll always have time & a hug for. And I have a brother whose actually a really nice guy to whom bad things happen. Him I’ll always have time & a hug for too.

I used to…but the nasty one got better over the years. Now, we’re a lot closer to a big happy family. The improvement is absolutely wonderful!

It certainly is amazing how different sibs can be!