Do you have to remind yourself to eat? Or make yourelf eat when you don't feel like it?

Huh. Saw this thread and am reminded that I haven’t eaten yet today. Since I’m moving boxes from house to house and sweating up a storm, I’ve been concentrating on liquids, since I suck at keeping hydrated. A near-steady diet of diet pepsi won’t get me far this way.

Time for food! Now, what’s left in the house that I didn’t pack…

Yay, tuna! and…bacon mayo!!

of course the cats are ALL for this idea. Shoo! Ok, they can have a LITTLE.

Neither I just get hungry a lot :slight_smile:

Other: I eat because I love food; I typically don’t start feeling hungry until after I have eaten once in the day - so if I eat breakfast, I’ll want Second Breakfast, Elevenses, etc, all the way through to Supper and Midnight Snack.

If I don’t start eating, I will not get hungry. I’ll eat an evening meal, because it’s expected of me (and because it’s usually tasty) - but not because I’m hungry.

I don’t know what would happen the next day if I skipped evening meals too.

I never believed people before when they said that they forgot to eat sometimes, but it started happening to me a few years ago. Other times I do have to make myself eat something because I’m really hungry. I’m not a limited eater, meaning that there are a LOT of foods that I like, but I am a picky eater, meaning that I will choose not to eat if I don’t like any of my choices. I’d rather have no food than bad food (with the disclaimer and exception that I am polite when a guest in people’s homes and do the best I can. let’s not start that discussion again…). I also hate to spend money on food if I don’t have to. if I plan to go out to lunch or dinner with someone, great. If I am at work and I forgot my lunch or didn’t have time to pack it, it irks me greatly to have to spend money, just because prices are so jacked up. The same yogurt I could buy for 79 cents at the supermarket is $2 at the convenience store. Fuck that noise.

Anyhow, my point was—it’s quite possible for me to go for a long time with no food, despite the fact that I really love food. Sometimes I have to force something down to avoid wonky blood sugar crashes or outright bitchiness from hunger.

If I’m busy or out and about I’ll often skip meals, just because I don’t get that hungry. I like eating, but sometimes it just seems to much of a chore or a distraction to go and eat if I’m not hungry. My wife, on the other hand plans her entire life around where the next meal is coming from (ok not quite, but it sometimes feels that way). She’s diabetic so has to eat regularly, so I had to learn pretty quickly that if we’re in town we need to plan to have lunch at lunchtime. Left to my own devices I’d usually skip it.

I am always hungry and have to constantly make myself not go get a snack.