Do you insure a car or person

I let my license to drive expire and now I must retake the test.

I asked my coworker to borrow her car and she said sure as long as I get a permit first as her insurance will only cover a licensed driver.

I always thought you insured a car not who drove it. I mean suppose a theif w/o a license stole the car, drove it and dented it. Would the insurance company decline to pay?

What is the SD on this?

I think there’s a separate coverage in insurance policies regarding theft (I’m not sure). Now, if you borrowed your friend’s car, wrecked it, then said you stole it, that would be one thing :slight_smile: But I doubt you’d want to do that. Most regular collision coverage will only cover certain people, as specified in the policy (ie, it may cover licensed drivers w/permission from the policyholder to drive the car, or relatives of the policyholder only, or possibly even strictly the policyholder).

You insure both, and the insurance policies assume that both will be insured - with appropriate allocation of risk and liability between the two insurance policies.

Most jurisdicitons provide that the owner of the car is responsible for the damage it causes, provided whoever was driving it had the owner’s permission. So if the owner lets an uninsured driver have the car, and there’s an accident, the owner’s insurance company can find itself entirely on the hook, since the driver didn’t have insurance to help cover the risk.

To avoid this increased risk, most car insurance policies require that the owner will only lend the car to insured drivers. If they knowingly lend the car to an uninsured driver, they may be voiding their policy, leaving the owner entirely without insurance for the accident.

Assuming the OP was in the USA, your coworker is exposing herself to a lot of risk letting you practice in her car (even when she is in the car).

A friend of mine wants to learn to drive and has a learner permit. I have been driving long enough that he would be qualified to drive with me in the passenger seat.

However insurance is another story. I checked with my State Farm agent and he told me that my coverage does not extend to friends. My coverage covers only myself, and any children I have. Obviously I can’t add him to my coverage because he is unlicensed.

I asked my agent what would happen if I did let my friend drive, would they pay the claim if something happened? He said that State Farm would pay the claim, but since I violated the terms of my policy there is an excellent chance that my coverage would be cancelled after the claim.

I asked him how someone gets a driver’s license when he doesn’t have living parents (or even driving parents). He said that is what driving schools are for.

Rainbow. That sounds incredible. Living in a big city like Chicago it is common for people to borrow their friends car, their roommates car etc.

Seems a bit weird. I have loaned my car out when I had one