Do you know this book from this vague description?

A friend with whom I’ve lost touch with mentioned a book to me offhand years ago. Unfortunately, I have no idea if it is a book, short story, magazine article, etc. The only thing I remember vividly is a description of something that happened in the book:

“God is dead and his body is placed in a ship/barge and is being taken across the ocean.”

Is there any story in the collective dopers’ minds that might remotely fit that description? Please help! :confused:

Towing Jehovah, James Morrow.

And it is a very enjoyable book!

Oh my god I love you! I could kiss you! :smiley:

Damn - I wish I had checked in earlier! I was actually thinking about this book earlier today, as I was reading Shermer’s Why We Believe.

I found the beginning part of the book - and the concept - extremely enjoyable, but didn’t think the final part held up quite as well.

Also read - and enjoyed - his Last Wichfinder.

Wow! I should hang out in this forum more often. :cool:

Happy to help!

Seriously, don’t you love the dope?

First reply. One minute later.

Great book.

It’s also the title of a song by Converge.