Do you like Halloween?

I asked one, and he said he was a rap star. heh.

Halloween is my favorite holiday. It’s the only one I celebrate with any enthusiasm but I love costumes and go all out. It might be a part of that I’m a nerdy cosplayer but I have awesome wigs and I have costumes for bellydancing (gypsy & pirate) but Halloween is the only day I feel like I can really be myself without getting judged! I wish I could wear a costume everyday of the year!

This year I can’t decide if I want to be Harley Quinn or something else. I’ve already bought two Halloween costumes this August (Pirate & Octoberfest beer wench) and I’ll probably buy more costumes if I have the money.

I should note I don’t still go trick-or-treating though I do buy massive amounts of candy for myself. I just go to parties now that I’m a ‘big kid’ (21).

BL - do the HQ thing. Sounds awesome.


October is my favorite month.

I love Halloween, but most of all, I love the memories of trick or treating. It was really exciting, going out for what seemed like hours, seeing all the decorations, coming home with huge bags of candy. Oh, and fixing up the house, there were always bragging rights the next day on who had the scariest place.

Living in an apartment complex with no kids around, there’s no Halloween vibe at all, which is sort of a drag.

I LOVE Halloween! My only regret is that I haven’t had a chance to dress up in the past few years.

When I was little, I’d go to my cousins’ – they had a HUGE neighborhood. Our cousin Marc would come too, even though he also had a big neighborhood. Our dads would take us around trick or treating, and our moms would stay back at the house and pass out candy. It was the best time. And there was always this one house where this guy would deck out his garage all scary to look like a dungeon or whatever, and he’d be dressed up as Freddie Krueger or someone.

I’d come home with a HUGE bag. But I wasn’t allowed to gorge on it – my mother would hold onto it, and dole it out.
(However, a word of advice – don’t pass out those Little Huggie drinks. The one year I had a lollipop stick pop the seal, it leaked through my entire bag. None of my candy was ruined, but it dripped all over my costume).

Doesn’t do much for me. I used to love it as a kid, getting to walk out there in the dark, with just my friends, and everything all different looking and spooky-like was so much fun. Plus, candy!

But now I smile at people who choose to dress up for work, then I go home and sit on my dark house watching TV hoping no-one comes tom the door. Which they are very unlikely to - it,s all about mall T or T now, or the unbelievably stupid “Trick or Trunk” in the church parking lot.


Kid used to come home with the pillowcase full of candy and we’d dump it on the kitchen table and ‘sort through for safety’s sake’ :wink: - we parents demanded OUR cut, lol, and grabbed a handful of our favorites. I imagine our poor daughter went to school the next day imagining me at home eating all her Halloween candy! NOT TRUE!

No one liked much the lollipops (they were boring and got sharp edges cutting your mouth). I read in some thrifty living book you could smash all of these up and grind them to a fine powder in a blender, and use as sugar to stir into your hot tea. It might work for Smarties, too, though the tea would be cloudy from the cornstarch in them.

Me too. :frowning: And I don’t like little kids (or big kids for that matter) so I don’t do the handing-out-candy part either. I hide in my house with the lights off so no one comes by. It’s one of my least favorite holidays.

I hate it. Hate. Hate. Hate.

It’s a “holiday” about death, for cripes’ sake! As someone else says, 364 days a year kids are (or should be) told not to beg for stuff and not to take treats from strangers.

And October is an AWFUL month. Everything is dying. Summer is 100% over. It’s getting cold. And dark. Yuk.

MLS, why do you hate America?

I like Halloween not so much for the holiday itself but because of it’s association with autumn, my favorite time of the year.

It’s the day after my birthday. Most of my birthdays as a kid were costume parties.
I loved Halloween as a kid, especially trick or treating after dark, all over town.
I liked it as a young adult. Dressing up was fun.

I grew to dread it when we still lived in Colorado, because it was getting cold then, sometimes it even snowed. I remember trying to carve half-frozen pumpkins.
And as CrazyCatLady mentioned, the doorbell rings every 3 minutes and the dogs go crazy. At my work, the preschoolers all dress up, yet some of them are afraid of costumes. It’s kind of a stressful day.

But because I am now in a different climate, I’m not so gloomy about the time of year. We still get trick or treaters but it’s mostly over by 8pm, not as many teenager-come-latelys in lame fake costumes.

I love America, I just hate autumn! Especially October!

Oh, MLS, you beat me to it. I don’t care for Halloween. You “decorate” your house to look like crap, you celebrate death, it’s all about candy and sweets, which Americans eat too much of. I liked it fine as a kid, but if it all went away tomorrow, I wouldn’t give two shits.

ETA: But I LOVE October. October is my birthmonth … October 10 is my birthday, as a matter of fact. Mark your calendars now! 10-10-10 is Ellen Day on the Dope! :slight_smile:

Mommy, make them stop!

I love halloween, all the more now that we have a kid to love it with. You get all the fun of making and wearing costumes, plus enjoying seeing other people’s costumes, plus old horror movies, plus candy. What’s not to like?

I don’t agree that trick or treating is the same as the old 'don’t take candy from strangers" prohibition. In the case of the prohibition, it is presumably strangers who are approaching the children to give candy, allegedly for bad reasons. They are self-selected. In the case of trick-or-treating, it is the children who are approaching them to get candy - and they are not really “strangers”, but neighbours.

Fall is my favorite season, I adore Halloween, and would dress up in a heartbeat if I had anywhere to go. My husband would rather be strip searched on a freeway than put on a costume, or have a costume party. Sigh. I’m forced to add a bit of weirdness to my son’s birthday parties (10-18) just to get my fix every now and then.

I like the horror aspect of it, and the fact that it occurs during autumn (my favorite season… though it feels more like goddamn August here right now more than it does early fall), but my wife and I haven’t handed out candy on Beggar’s Night for several years now, and I don’t particularly enjoy dressing up in a costume*.

  • Unless my costume takes the piss out of (read: offends) 98% of the people who’re going to see it, and in that case I’d be fired.

I probably wouldn’t encourage my kids to wrap electric lights around trees or put paint on hard-boiled eggs, but I’ll make an exception for one holiday per year.