Because I don’t. Maybe it’s because I’m a 97-pound weakling, or maybe I just hate exertion, but I always shrink from heavy lifting.
Oh…and not so incidentally, I bought some 600 pounds’ worth of concrete block today, unloaded it from my car, and… found out I had gotten the wrong size.
So if anyone on the Dope does enjoy lifting heavy things, I have a little project for you.
I love weightlifting, I actually enjoy doing it and have done it for 30+ years.
I hate carrying furniture and other random heavy things though. Dumbbells and barbells are made to be lifted, solid-wood roll top desks, king size mattresses, and overstuffed couches are not meant to be easily moved by humans–and often the dwellings humans live in are not designed to easily allow them entrance.
I was given a tee shirt not too long ago: “I’'m not real smart but I can lift heavy things.”
I’m petite, middle-aged, female and strong as shit and can probably outlift you and anyone else on these boards.
I charge $45 an hour plus all expenses. I have sort of expensive tastes. But I can move and lift very heavy things really efficiently.
That’s interesting to me, because I would have thought that a person who likes weightlifting would be just the sort of person who’d like to carry heavy things. Different realms, I guess. Me, I hate both weightlifting and moving heavy things.
I regularly lift and carry heavy things. I don’t really like it. If I feel I haven’t been lifting or moving enough heavy things. I lift heavy things at home, weights, don’t really like that either. My dislike of lifting heavy things is not doing much for my weight lately so I need to get back to more lifting heavy things. What I like far less then moving heavy things is moving my own heavy ass because I failed to lift enough heavy things.
So here’s a question for you: what would you consider a heavy thing? I get all hot and bothered carrying my chopsaw, for example, and it probably doesn’t weigh more than 30 pounds. 80 would be my absolute limit, and I could only manage a couple dozen yards.
I don’t mind it. I don’t get enough exercise as it is. It can just make you feel better.
I have worked with industrial maintenance guys before as a summer worker. I found it frustrating how they always seemed to take whatever path available to avoid exertion.
They would use equipment/machinery (which would require a convoluted path) to move a 40 lb object 100 feet. I am sitting there thinking (as the smallest guy in the room) why don’t we just pick it up and carry it over there for goodness sakes*?
On the other side of the coin, I could understand that these guys were going to be doing these things for the next 30 years. Taking that tiny chance of getting hurt every day will bite you eventually.
*I feel like crap like that is what has stolen away much of the greatness of America. The “get it done” attitude. We would rather spend $1000 of labor to fix a $30 job because the cheaper version had a minisule chance that someone could get a finger scrape. This is why we will probably never again do things like go to the moon or build the Hoover Dam. Someone might get hurt!
King-sized beds, entertainment centers, a 40-foot ladder extended and vertical, sleeper-sofas, 5-gallon buckets of paint (easier if you carry both at once actually; they’re about 55 lbs each), bags of concrete (80 lbs usually), dining room tables, etc.
I love it – if I’m doing a favor for my mother in her yard to help her out, I’d much rather carry hundreds of pounds (probably not all at once!) or grab a shovel than twink around grabbing little “weeds” I can’t even identify. Guess that’s why I don’t come over too often to help her out, although I will if she asks and I have a free afternoon.
Yes and no. I like that I canlift a lot more than looking at me would tell you - I’m like a worker ant. Often this has meant that I have to carry the heavy stuff, despite being a thinnish woman; I can carry a lot more than my very strong-looking ex.
I do it for fun! No, seriously. Where do you live?
I think the heaviest thing I have ever carried around by myself is my boyfriend. He weighs 155 lbs right now, and I weigh 100. It does look a big funny when I carry him in my arms like a baby…
Since I’ve always been really skinny and have trouble bulking, I at least try to be strong. I lift weights, do a lot of bodyweight exercises, and generally try to tote loads whenever I can. My main job right now involves plenty of lifting, heaviest loads being 90-lb wheels of cheese!
Yes. Never got allowance as a kid but was given the chance to work on the moving truck for my Dad’s company (re-upholstery) and appreciate good odd shaped heavy object lifting technique ever since. (“Little John” would always put me at the bottom of the sofa bed and let it slip just a little … he could get things through doorways they had no right getting through. A visual-spatial savant that gorrilla was.) Plus I always could use the exercise.
I HATE having to move heavy crap. I especially hate it at the gym, where I don’t get a patio or a new couch out of it. Been doing it anyway, but not gracefully.
You women and your hatred of lifting heavy stuff. So typical. That’s why I have to help my sister and every other woman in my life with some mundane junk labor. I’m not even that strong, just big-framed (and 20-30 lbs overweight).
I’m a woman…check my other posts on this thread.
I can’t tell who’s male and who is female for the most part here.
PS, you don’t “have to” “help your sister and every other woman in your life.” You can say no. A tiny, lightweight, short yet very effective little word.