Do you mind if people (from the SDMB) you don't know, PM you or E-mail you...

The only unsolicited PM I’ve ever gotten was from someone seeking clarification about a post of mine, and I appreciated it.

I don’t tend to be controversial enough on the boards to garner any negative attention*, so I’d say PM is welcome from whomever, whenever.

*Outside of my deep loathing of chocolate, that is. But no one seems to have noticed that about me yet.

I’ve had a handful, all from nice people, most of whom wanted to ask about my user name and whether I was a fan of E.F. Benson (yes, I am). And it occasionally leads to conversations about his work and the one article I wrote about them. So, no, I don’t mind it.

This is what I was going to post. I’m glad the board decided to allow PMs, and I think they’re very convenient.

I think PMs are neato.

I forget which of my email addresses I used to sign up for the boards (don’t worry, mods - whichever it is, I do still have access to it!) and this means I don’t always get around to checking whichever address that was. Plus, these days it’s possible for someone’s email to me to get caught in a spam filter or for me to just delete it along with all the real spam.

With PMs, I at least know I’m going to get it. Maybe not today, if I don’t notice the notification, but I’ll get it soon enough.

I’ve written a couple and I’ve gotten a couple (both unsolicited) and I was happy with the system. I’m not turned off by them at all!

I don’t mind PMs or e-mails from anyone, for any reason. Which is why both my PM and e-mail options are enabled. :slight_smile:

I’ve had a grand total of one* person PM me. It didn’t bother me at all, and I hope I was somewhat helpful in what they asked of me. I think I’ve had one* person email me, as well, and I didn’t find that weird at all.

  • Yeah, one in about 4 years of membership. I’m just not all that popular.

I PM’d once and got a PM back and it was pretty neat. I wouldn’t mind being PM’d from time to time.

So long as they’re polite, and identify themselves (at least as to context), no, I have no problem with it at all.

I like PMs. It’s a slightly more personal way to communicate. I don’t mind e-mails, either. If I got one (of either) which was not nice – and to be fair to, I never have – I would just disregard it. But I like to hear from other people here. :slight_smile:

Sure, I’ve PM’ed with several folks, some of which led to e-mail, and I made some new friends in the process. I don’t mind if you want to talk to me off the boards.

And what exactly is wrong with date-seeking?

Now, firing off a message to someone under false pretences, or totally ignoring what they’re actually doing in pursuit of your own agenda, are kinda skeevy, but a simple “I think you’re kinda neat, wanna meet?” doesn’t seem so to me. If I was uninterested, I’d simply say no.

I have been in several flurries of PMs lately, and it’s been good. But those all arose out of threads on the boards. I probably wouldn’t send a PM to someone I had had no other interaction with.

I have both my PMs enabled and email address posted. Heck, I even have my location and birthday in my profile. You people don’t scare me! :wink:

If it weren’t for some advisorial PMs, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. I’ve had some friendly PM convos too :slight_smile:

PMs & email are cool with me.

Yeah, me too - I even have a link to my MySpace profile. And Doper who really wants to know me can do so with ease.

I don’t mind PMs or emails.
One of the things needed, actually, to play mafia games on here is to have PMs enabled, but even before then, they were (for me).

I don’t get many PMs that are sent first but I do get a lot returned and replied to that I send out (that being said, I don’t send many out either, but the few I have (mostly to past mafia players about my new game that started) have been replied back to very nicely).

So PM away if you have anything.

Same here, 1 email in 4 years. I was kinda excited. “Hey, I’m not invisible!”.

I wouldn’t enable the link, if I didn’t want people to email. I can always change the address if I need too.

Welcome mat is out.

It has only happened a few times, but when it did, it was very nice.

One person emailed me to let me know that they had noticed me and considered me to be a kind person.

What a nice day brightener! How often do we get to hear nice things about us?