Not just a good job, just to function in any way at all.
Inspired by the endless conversations elsewhere:
“Biden is demented! Just listen to him; it’s obvious!”
“He’s always been prone to misspeaking for reasons unrelated. Besides, he’s doing a great job as president.”
“That’s debatable. Besides, [Reagan/Trump] prove that you can appear functional with the right handlers.”
And I do get the point, but still, president of the United States… I’ve always instinctively felt, despite Reagan and Trump, that surely the government functioning at all smoothly is facial evidence of mental acuity? But I could be wrong!
You know, I seriously think you’re on to something here. Trump’s value prop for his cult does not rely on his mental acuity. The lack thereof is not a bug at all.
Woodrow Wilson was debilitated by a stroke in October 1919 and left significantly impaired for the remaining year and a half of his term. His wife and inner circle concealed the severity of his condition. The Administration stumbled on but was seriously hampered, most notably in the fight to approve the League of Nations treaty.
It’s not talked about so much anymore, but I remember when a favorite talking point of the Right was that Franklin Roosevelt’s health and mental acuity were so diminished by 1945 that Stalin was able to extract concessions from him at Yalta that a stronger, healthier FDR wouldn’t have agreed to.
I don’t know that that was a matter of mental acuity, so much as making the priority keeping Stalin on board for creating the UN - though granted, that might have been “old man in a hurry” syndrome.