Do You Need Quarters for Laundry?

I needed quarters for laundry when I was in college (1989-1993), but my first apartment (1994-1998) was close enough to my mom’s house that I just did laundry there. Every place I’ve rented since 1998 has had a private washer/dryer. I’ve never been to a public laundromat.

The assisted facility my mom lived in required quarters for the laundry, so I would bring her my extras whenever I visited. It was a funny reversal of my college days. :slight_smile:

I can’t really fill out the poll, because multiple options hold for me, and a few that aren’t listed.

I do have my own washer and dryer at home, and most people around here do. I’m actually overblessed with them at the moment - I have the nice set for our everyday laundry in my house in a laundry room, plus a set for dying and bleaching and nasty dirty greasy crap out in the garage, and a spare washer and dryer that each have a minor thing wrong with them, being stored to get fixed and used when the current garage set is destroyed.

That said, I DO use laundromats currently three or four times a year - I wash our heavy blankets once in fall when they come out of storage, and once in spring before we put them away, and I also use them for washing bushels of used sheets, or long tall bolts of muslin a few times a year before I use them for costume patterns and practice sewing.

The laundromats here mostly use quarters. The next most popular payment is “tokens” that you have to trade out in the laundromat vending machine, and can’t be traded back in for money. There is one fancy laundromat on the other side of town that takes credit and debit cards, as well as proprietary laundromat cards (it’s slightly cheaper if you use the laundry card) but they don’t have the oversize industrial washer/dryers that I need.

There are very few apartment buildings here, and even when there are apartments/condos, most of them come standard-fitted for washer and dryer hookups. I’d say most people here that use laundromats are living in the old mill village houses, in one of the trailer parks, renting, or they are using them temporarily because their own are broken.

GASP! Tide is made from the hands of French Polynesian Virgins?

I did not know that.

~50 year old apartment-style condo with relatively cheap coin-op laundry in each basement. In-unit laundry is permissible but costs about $10K for the plumbing & machines.