Do you (or would you) take a nap at work?

I do, sometimes, but then again I work from home 90% of the time and any time missed due to snoozing can be made up.

I own a retail business, and work alone. It’s only happened a few times since I opened the store seven years ago, but if I’m feeling that a nap is necessary I will put up a sign that says “Back in 20 minutes.” I really can wake up from a nap like that feeling like a million bucks.

When the economy rebounds and I have staff, if it happens that I’m feeling that in need of a nap I would go home, too.

I’m a college professor, so I largely set my own hours. On rare occasion I’ll take a brief nap in my office in the afternoon.

I used to have jobs that required me to often work around the clock, sometimes not going home for 2 or 3 days. It wasn’t unusual for someone to take a 10-minute snooze, and it’s amazing how much good that amount of sleep did.

Voted “other” because there are occasions when I would like to take a nap during my lunch hour, but I don’t think it would be looked on very favourably if I just put my head on my desk (and I wouldn’t be comfortable anyway) so I have never done it. Occasionally I have seriously considered hiding out on an empty floor of our building, but it would not look good if I were caught, so I have always decided it’s not worth it.

I’m sure there isn’t a rule against it at the company but I have never seen anyone doing it and wouldn’t expect to.

I voted other. I have not taken a nap at work in at least a decade, but if I felt the need I would do so without shame. There is actually a room at work for this very purpose, it has a couple of couches in it so people can sleep if they need to.

I voted “other” too. I am a public school, elementary teacher and I have a 25 minute lunch period while the kids are at recess. I often shut the classroom door, turn off the lights, put my head on my desk and just float for 15 minutes or so. I’ve never fallen asleep (I set a timer just in case), but I focus on relaxing, letting stress fall away, going to my peaceful place.

Napping at school would be frowned upon, but my mid-day downtime makes me more effective and energized for the afternoon’s lessons.

There’s no space or place for me to nap at work, and I don’t have the time to do it.

Sigh. Billable hours means you can nap all day if you please - just make sure you hit the billable minimum every year or there’s the door. So yes I have taken a nap at work (under my desk once). Just put a post-it that said “Conference call” on my door and closed it.

I put a post-it on my door that says “I"m here, just knock”

My naps are never more than 10-15 minutes though. One time, someone did knock though. It was a delivery.

When I was hired, my boss suggested bringing books until my computer was installed, because I would have a lot of downtime and be bored. I solved that by sleeping 3 or 4 hours a day. I’ve heard he takes an hour nap each afternoon. Over the past 2 or 3 years though, I might take a 10 minute nap right before lunch and I’m good to go.