Do you people know about Cusco?

A year or so ago, I purchased a CD called “Music Sampler 1997 Natural Wonders” at a garage sale. From the CD cover and liner notes, it looks like this is one of those compilations put together by a retailer, a’la Pier One and Panera Bread. I seem to remember a Natural Wonders store in some mall somewhere.


It’s new age-y stuff, with some world music stuff thrown in. And there’s a group on here called Cusco. Have y’all ever heard this stuff? The song on this CD is called Ghost Dance, and it’s very hypnotic. So I ordered the Cusco CD that song was taken from (Apurimac III) off and this is GREAT stuff! Flutes and drums and Native American chants…very cool. Apparently Cusco’s been around forever (or at least since 1989, which is the release date on one of their CDs) but I never heard of them until recently. If you like this type of stuff, check them out.

We love Cusco! Mr. Singular and I found them first on a South American compilation put together by David Byrne, called The Forest , and we bought another Cusco CD later. I’m getting a CD player with my tax return (a real system with speakers-we lost ours in a flood in 98, and we’ve been using a boom box or the DVD player or laptop-but that’s a hijack. Sorry), and now, thanks to LifeOnWry, I’m adding more Cusco to the list!