Do you put strawberries in your cereal as commercials would have us believe people do?

Not cereal, but why is it every chocolate cake on the cover of a magazine is festooned with raspberries? And sometimes strawberries? They probably think it makes the cake more interesting, but I’ve never put berries with chocolate cake.

I dunno - maybe it’s Bacon
We go through so much Fage non-fat Greek yogurt that my wife buys it by the case at Costco. She is always getting comments from the checkout people, since she’s there every few weeks buying another case (6 liters).

never done it with strawberries, have added my own raisins, honey etc though. Of course you do know that the milk in pictures of cereal is often aquahere - wood glue.

Bananas in corn flakes. Hot cereal gets honeyed. Kinda like my berries nekkid.

Cold cereal is usually a convenience food, and slicing strawberries is an inconvenience. The greenery comes off, there can be messy juice, they’re little and need delicate handling. And once much food value

Bananas are easier to handle and and a quick way to augment the calories along with the taste. Blueberries have similar cuteness to strawberries and can be poured directly into the bowl. Most times that we buy blueberries they end up in cereal.

I’m not a huge fan of strawberries so I don’t do it very often but my parents would be aghast at the thought of trying to eat one of their colon blows sans strawberries or some other fruit. In fact, since I was little, there’s always been a container of sliced strawberries sitting in the fridge to be added to cereal, cottage cheese, yogurt or desserts.

And salinq, my parents absolutely cover their chocolate cakes with red berries. Annoys the piss out of me.

I don’t eat cold cereal much, but my kids do and we often toss in whatever fruit is on hand - sliced stawberries, blueberries or bananas being the most common but sometimes peaches, blackberries or rasberries.

I have but very rarely and only with Rice Krispies which taste really plain otherwise.

I think they show it that way on commercials for two reasons:

  1. The color makes it look better on TV

  2. It ups the nutritional value of what they are showing.

I put strawberries in my cereal ccasionally. More often I think of doing so just as I finish, and then say “Well, shit.”

I never put berries on my cereal. I also never put sliced hotdogs on it.

Only with fresh raspberries.

I have in the past, but not any time in the last 10 years.

I put a little cereal in my berries instead. I am trying to actually eat breakfast and my favorite choice is about a cup of blueberries topped with 1/4 c of granola.

I do it all the time. Cheerios and Rice Krispies especially.

Strawberries, blue berries, peaches. Whatever is in season.

I’ve never put strawberries on my cereal. I do, however, keep a bag of frozen blueberries around so that I can put them on my cereal. Blueberries+Cheerios=happiness. I also will slice a bananananana onto my cereal on occasion.

You misspelled “blackberries”.


I’ve done it before, but I long ago learned that I prefer just EATING the strawberries whole and eating the cereal seperately. There’s some foods that generations and generations of careful selective breeding have made perfect.

See also: brandied grapefruit. It’s tasty, but I’d always prefer to just eat the grapefruit then drink the brandy.

Strawberries, banannas, raisens, peaches. YES