I posted a request for resumes on the job search engine online State of Alaska.
Job posting described what we needed regarding an environmental technician.
I get several excellent prospects back by email. And one doofus. He sends me a resume outlining all his experience driving different types of trucks. (Yes, part of our “preferences” WERE that we’d like someone with a hazmat CDL).
I thank him for his interest and politely and diplomatically let him know that if we need a truck driver we will call him, but that right the only position(s) for which we are hiring are for the environmental tech for which we advertised on the state page.
He emails back and asks me to send him a description of the requirements for an environmental tech!!!
Um, okay, I’m trying to be calm here. THAT would be posted on the state employment webpage FROM WHICH YOU EMAILED ME YOUR RESUME!!!
urk!!! Okay I feel better.
(Now, knowing MY boss, he WOULD hire this guy, he’s a total softie and pushover for doofy underdogs.)
Well GEE eth. I submitted a resume that actually MATCHED the qualifications for which my company was searching!!!
I know you’re kidding, and I’m not really ranting as an “I’m all p.o’d” rant, more as a completely perplexed “he cannot POSSIBLY not get this” exclamation of disbelief.
LOL, strangely enough some of the other websites on which we’ve requested resume searches we occasionally get really strange returns. Like IT people when what we asked for was a geologist!
But this is likely a matter of that particular website’s search engine “glitching”.
The truck driver applied through a different application A state of Alaska webpage where the applicants look up jobs and then directly email their resumes to the prospective employers.
I just went and read the request for the enviro-tech, and sure enough the requirements for the job are clearly listed.
I get the same thing from the websites I’ve frequented whilst job-hunting. Occasionally, one of them’ll send me an offer for something like retail management or military service.
FTR, I’m an English major whose description says that she’s looking for a job creating stuff (well, I put it a bit more eloquently than that), and who is currently looking for an internship.
In other words, thanks but no thanks. And read my damned resume.