Do you sit through the credits in the theater?

I’m usually too lazy to make a poll, but this is a simple enough question that I’ll just make one. In the theater* do you sit through credits to movies? I’ll try to put a reasonable string of options (“only if there’s a stinger”).

For purposes of the poll, I’m putting “stinger” and “something special” as separate. A “stinger” is defined as something that happens half way through or all the way after the credits (like in the Marvel Movie Universe stuff), whereas “something special” is anything else in the credits that’s not part for the course in credits. This could be blooper reels (or “blooper reels” like Pixar does sometimes), a list of people the movie is dedicated to (like that one 9/11 movie that listed the names of victims it was dedicated to before the credits technically started), or things like cute animations. Basically things that aren’t “I like the music”.

Feel free to check multiples that aren’t mutually contradictory. If you check “(almost) always” you don’t have to check specifics.

In general, I always sit through the credits unless it becomes clear that the theater staff wants to get in and start cleaning immediately – or I’m in a real hurry. I find it respectful, though I realize it’s an ultimately meaningless gesture. Even I sometimes start making jokes about “Johnny Rodriguez, man, I love that guy! The absolute premier Best Boy in Hollywood!” because I realize that sitting and seeing the name of the camera technician doesn’t really mean anything to anybody that doesn’t know the guy.

  • (I was going to make this thread about in general, but then it opens up far too many things about “well, if I’m making out with my girlfriend when the credits start and I’ve seen the movie less than five times” caveats when you allow at home).

I never sit through the credits at a theater. They scroll by too fast and frustrate me.

At home I often pause the dvd and read the credits when I didn’t recognize an actor. Or I’m curious about who performed the music soundtrack.

My kid (9yo, and on the autistic spectrum) HAS to sit through the credits until the “oval” (the MPAA globe at the end), so I sit with him. Often we’re the only ones in the theater at the end of the credits. Sometimes there are a couple of people still around.

Crap, I forgot the option “I stay if a friend was involved and want to see his/her name listed”, but oh well, file that under other. Also, I planned this poll from being reasonably non-discriminatory. If you only watch the credits for actors or directors when it’s a foreign film or an animated film or the character is a muppet or whatever, just mark “to find out the name of an actor or director” and specify in your post. I don’t want you filing the whole thing under “other” with a minor caveat like that.

And when I say I find it “respectful” that’s not a judgment on anyone. Again, I recognize it’s ultimately meaningless, if you don’t, whatever, power to ya.

I’ll stay if there’s a stinger. I’ll also stay a bit if the theatre is crowded, but just until the crowd of those leaving abates.

Yes, almost always. I do it out of respect and because you never know what you’ll see or hear. I love filmmakers who put specials and/or stingers in their movies. A movie like Bernie has good stuff in the credits all the way to the very end.

Even if I’ve heard there’s nothing I still usually stay. The only times I don’t are 1) if I hated the movie so much I just don’t give a shit (which is rare because even if I disliked the movie I have nothing but respect for those who worked on it), 2) if I have to rush to see the next movie on my list (especially during film festivals where they schedule movies way too tight), 3) if I’ve seen the movie several times and know there’s nothing more to see, or 4) if I’ve been in agony the last half hour needing to go to the bathroom.

I don’t care if staff is waiting to come in and clean. If they come in they’d better be quiet as churchmice or I’ll confront (“Shhhhhhh”) or report them, which I’ve only done a couple of times. The credits are part of the movie, and the movie isn’t over until the ratings screen comes up. I don’t care if they’re in a hurry or inconvienced. They’re getting paid for being there. I PAID to be there. My wishes come first.

Of course. I also read every single word in an Agreement I have to check in order to get to a site I want to see.

I have never cut the label off a pillow.

I’ll sit through the credits if the theater is crowded so I’m not caught in the rush of everybody leaving at once. Except for that one time that Ferris Bueller told me to go home.

Yes, nearly always (the exceptions usually are due to my wife wanting to get out of there). Often, I’m most curious about filming locations (hey, I’m a geographer.)

i often stay but only if the movie was great, especially the roller coaster ones.

Almost always, unless I really have to pee.

You never know what you’ll see during the credits. I don’t keep track of which movies have stingers and which don’t, so usually I’m surprised when there is one. I also like seeing the music credits, filming locations, and the thanks, which are usually toward the end.

Besides all that, it’s an extra few minutes to sit and relax before having to re-join the real world. Nothing wrong with that.

This, and for all those reasons. If the music credits came earlier I might be tempted to leave but I’d probably stay in case of stingers anyway.

I do, because sometimes I see names of people I used to work with in Hollywood.

Yes always. We joke that for $11.50 we are staying for the whole thing. It’s nice to have a stinger though.

I find the cleaning people highly annoying. Either stay outside until the movie is over, or clean the other rows. We clean after ourselves, thanks, and don’t need you standing there looking impatient. The next showing isn’t for awhile anyway.

I like to stay and watch; my husband wants to leave. So I’m usually watching while walking backward as slowly as I can. I usually want to catch the song credits.

Oh man, this made my day. I know someone who used to insist on staying for “the dot!” whether the movie was in a theater or on HBO. He’s not around any longer and you just took me back. Bless your son’s heart for that :slight_smile:

I stay usually because people are all pushing toward the exit and I’d rather stay and wait until the throng of folks are gone. Plus, they do sometimes put a little something in the credits or after.

Yes, I’ve always been interested, especially in older movies, when actors work together again in movies, to see if I missed recognizing anyone, to see if ‘the assistant to’ has a recognizable surname like that of the director or famous actor, to see where some of the locations were shot and then just sometimes something totally unexpected will roll out.

No way. Even if there is a stinger I often don’t stay, especially not with youtube and the like. Credits are boring, sorry.

Yes, I always want to stay until the credits finish. Before widespread internet, it was to find out the name of the actor who looked familiar or the filming locations. I’ll still watch for that information even though I can easily find out when I get home (thank you IMDb) but mostly we are discussing what we just saw, what we liked, what we didn’t understand etc. Sometimes we are still sitting there talking when people arrive for the next show.

I tend to stay for the music-credits.