Do you sleep well?

So do you now pee the bed every two hours?



jabiru, as you know, IANAD etc etc, but there’s an OTC antihistamine that has the wonderful side effect of zonking you out! And it’s as cheap as all get-out! The proprietary name is Periactin, and you’ll get 100 for about $10 or so. One of those an hour before bed and you’ll be sweet.

Try 1/2 tab first, then one tab if that’s not enough. I’ve tried two tabs on occasion, but you end up so zombied the next day it’s not worth it.

Maybe worth a try?

I usually take OTC sleep aids and fall asleep easily but wake up in 3-4 hours. At this point I may take another sleep aid or just read a boring book. When I do go back to sleep I have incredibly violent dreams involving existential dilemmas, forces of evil trying to destroy the universe (and sometimes I’m a member of them), disease and decay, and social issues. I get electric shock sensations and myoclonus too. I wake up about 3:30 am and generally am relieved that it’s time to get up.

Just an FYI be careful with those as they can give your liver a real work out if you take them every night. According to my pharmacist.

Definitely worth a try. I reckon anything’s worth a try. I have used Polaramine in the past and it has worked but I felt really dopey the next day, which defeats the purpose of getting a good night’s sleep.

I’ll certainly give Periactin a go, though. Thanks.

I’ve always had horrible troubles of every kind with sleep. Can’t fall asleep, wake up constantly with disrupted sleep cycles, and am also a light sleeper.

Best thing I ever found for it is magnesium supplements. I actually finally sleep pretty well now.

Was on pills for a good while, after that I haven’t slept well.

I fall asleep easily enough, but basically I wake up and my bed is just thrashed and I really don’t feel like I’ve slept at all.

I can’t seem to sleep more than a few hours anymore. Going to sleep at ten means I’ll wake up at 3AM. Can’t get back to sleep.

So, I stay awake till 1AM and sleep till 7AM.

I miss the days when I slept 8 hours. I’d kill for a full nights rest.

Certified insomiac from day one. My mother told me she use to check on me in the middle of the night, and I’d be lying there with my baby blues wide open. I had a serious pill problem with uppers & downers in my 20’s, and after I kicked it, I just got use to little sleep.

This is truly one of my most desired traits. What I would give to be able to do that.

Love it, cherish it. Rock it.

I fall asleep quickly but wake up frequently throughout the night – once or twice, I’m awake enough to get up to use the bathroom, and then it feels like I wake up 5-10 other times for brief moments before falling back to sleep.

Maybe once every 3-5 years, I’ll sleep continuously throughout the night without waking even once. It’s very rare, at any rate.

The sleep aids I’ve tried don’t seem to work – either they work well the first night and then paradoxically keep me awake for any subsequent nights of usage, or they help me fall asleep but not stay asleep.

I could be a professional sleeper. If I’m awake three minutes after I turn off the light, I’m in unfamiliar territory. And for some reason I’m blessed with a cooperative bladder. I don’t need to get up for any reason during the night. If the dogs or kids do wake me, I can return to sleep quickly. I am very grateful. I suppose it’s just a byproduct of a clear conscience.

Interesting how many of us are not sound, all-through-the-night sleepers. Maybe I’ve stumbled on the one thing most Dopers have in common.

Well according to wiki, Segmented Sleep may have been the normal sleeping pattern for humans in the past. People’s bodies may be trying to achieve that.

I’m in between two of your categories. I fall asleep easily, generally wake up about four hours later, and sometimes fall asleep again easily and sometimes not.

When I was younger I could sleep through the night, but now my bladder rejects that idea.

I read an article on that a while ago and it makes sense.

I sleep well now, and I revel in that. It’s something I’m grateful for every day. (Tough times have passed.) There was a time when I was lucky to get 4 hrs. of sleep in a night, and not in a row. I slept like that for months, and my mental well being paid the price.