Weird thought that occurred to me as I was falling asleep last night: For those who believe Jesus is the Son of God, do you suppose He ever got sick, like with the flu or something? Did He ever get very seriously ill? I figure He probably did. He’s not just the Son of God, but the Son of Man.
Certainly could. He was hungry like mere humans, etc. So why not sick.
He died, right? By that measure it stands to reason he was also susceptible to the flu or sniffles or what have you.
If I were Jesus and I got a cold, I’d miracle it away.
The only person I ever heard of that has never been sick is Chuck Norris. The only time he came close to a cold virus it changed into a hot virus and died.
Of course He did.
Jesus was God, of course (or so Christians believe), and also fully human.
Given the state of health care and sanitation and food handling and so on in the first century in a backwater province of the Roman Empire, it’s a pretty safe bet He got sick from time to time. Not sick enough to kill Him, of course, or even consider his illness worth recording, but I’d bet the rent He got sick sometimes.
The doctrine of both fully human and fully divine has always meant to me that Jesus would have exactly those issues. The full gamut of human emotions, frailties, and experiences. I feel like this is an opinion that is not really shared by both a number of the Catholics and Evangelicals.
Then again, when the Gospels use the term brothers for James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon, I don’t try and somehow try to explain that away either. I’ve never agreed with the Catholic doctrines regarding Mary.
I don’t know about Evangelicals, but Catholics absolutely believe Jesus to have been fully human and divine - we call it the “hypostatic union.”
Most Protestants don’t. And let me say, as a Catholic, some Catholics take it too far. I was and am really put off by the term “co-redemptrix.” As is, apparently, Pope Francis, who is really trying to back the Church away from what is basically Mariolatry.
I should try to clarify what I meant. I am fully aware that the doctrine is older than Luther and that debates over the nature of the divinity of Jesus was the cause of a number of schisms. What I meant is that there seem to be a number of lay Catholics–again, in my experience–that don’t actually seem to like what that doctrine would mean, much like the Evangelicals who can’t seem to deal with the difficult parts of Christology. The idea that Jesus wasn’t perfect at all times and had actual human psychological and biological needs and responses seems like it gets seen as an attack on their faith.
No doubt. I’m not surprised. I haven’t encountered that in my own religious community (i.e., my parish, in which I’m fairly active), but it wouldn’t surprise if such Catholics exist in significant numbers.
Why wouldn’t He just cure himself immediately? He was able to cure lepers, right?
I feel like that’s a response that somehow trivializes both the idea of the doctrine and the idea that such powers (much like the Apostles in the Gospels and Acts) were meant for the spreading of Jesus’ preaching.
I would assume he got as sick as any other fictitious character.
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Modnote: Stay on subject please, this thread is about Jesus, Son of God.
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The Debate is about what the Son of God can do, not whether he existed.
side comment to hopefully prevent complaints.
FTR: I’m agnostic and don’t believe that Jesus was the son of God
The argument can be made that a healthy Jesus would be better able to spread the word, so self-healing might not be self-serving.
Reminds me much of the first criminal crucified next to Jesus, who said, “If you are the Christ, why not save Yourself, and us? It must be true what they say: You can’t be the Messiah!”
But he was wrong; one of Jesus’ purposes in coming to Earth was to experience life as a human being. He did nothing to deserve dying, or being sick, for that matter, but he died anyway, and I figure he probably got sick, too.
If jesus was going to “be made like unto his brethren” (Hebrews 2:17) so he could experience the human condition then he should have gotten sick like other humans and he should have spent his nights jerking off like every other teenaged boy.
Or, if you like, not so much “not really shared,” but more along the lines that they haven’t bothered to think about the implications.
So when Jesus was a ‘fully human’ teenage boy, did he masturbate?
Warning: do not ask this in a parochial school when learning about Hypostatic union – it will not end well.
We don’t even have to get too TMI. How about, did he ever fantasize about being with other people? Did he ever have his first kiss?