Doctor Who Series 9 discussion (spoilers as it airs)

I thought I heard Missy say something about Skaro being brought back.

I agree. Unless they come back to Missy’s time-stop technology and part two, then the whole frozen-planes thing was nothing but filler. And yeah, the Doctor rocking a guitar was nearly unforgivable. It’s been an unfortunate tendency of post-revival Who for the Doctor to repeatedly get off on his own awesomeness, and it’s the kind of thing that brings out the worst in Moffat.

It was made clear last year that she teleported instead of died, right? Did they directly mention that fact in this episode?

She showed Clara her wrist-tardis.

Snake Guy was there to infect Bors with nanobots so that Davros could obtain the TARDIS.

Yeah, but other people have obtained the Tardis by dint of putting it on the back of a truck and driving off. Snakedude and Axey don’t add anything to the story but Moffatt’s love of jamming in more STUFF, and the result is noise and confusion and people asking each other Wait, what was that guy doing?, I missed that bit. The hallmark of his scripts are people having to ask each other the mechanics of what at bottom not be a complex bit of storytelling.

eta should not be a complex bit of storytelling

No it wasn’t but i don’t see why they would need too. In the episode she died plenty of people got disintegrated and she teleported multiple times, they looked different. When she supposedly died the effect was that of the teleport.

I just realized something. Why did the Daleks procure the TARDIS and then destroy it? Why not just destroy it? Did they wait so that the Doctor could see it being destroyed?

If so does that mean that Davros once again gained control of his creations?

To some extent, this might be needed, if he’s also going to put real clues in there. Otherwise, the real clues will stick out like a sore thumb.

So she may have teleported instead of dying, but it is at least supposed to have been interpreted in universe as a disintegration, at least by the humans, otherwise her still-alive-ness wouldn’t be a “big surprise”.

It was later noted by Clara that the Doctor sent her his will earlier, so he must have known, or hoped, that she was still alive.

The colors of getting zapped and teleporting were different. If I remember correctly, getting shot by the Cybermen was red, and teleporting was green. When Missy got “shot” she glowed green.

Blue, it seems.

Nevertheless, whether there is some viewer-visible hint of what happened or not, the episode establishes that Clara, at least, did not notice one.

The short Prologue to the episode. Moffatt, why must you taunt me thus, serving up noisy gimmicks and pointless characters in the episode but hiding scenes like this? This was much better than much of what you served up in the episode, just a great character scene with some cracking acting and great dialogue, and it set the scene wonderfully.

Why would genocide even apply to the daleks?

They are an engineered species of killer cyborgs, as the episode last season showed us they literally have no free will when their shell is functioning as it constantly uses electronic mind control and drugs to make them murderous. They have been genetically engineered to be impossible to survive without the shell, they can’t reproduce, they don’t have parents or kids or families or even friends. They have no free thought or will, all controlled by the shell. They are basically mind controlled by the shell.

Saying that destroying a bunch of dalek embryos before they have even been gestated is genocide, well then John Conner blowing up a factory making Terminators is also genocide. The term loses all meaning.

Doctor#4 fucked up.

Moffat is at his best in shorter bursts of fast paced action and dialogue. His Night of the Doctorstarring Paul McGann was one of my favorites.

Oops. Thanks for catching that.

Yeah. It’s obvious that the Doctor saw what happened, but apparently Clara didn’t.

Agree totally; despite what Moffatt thinks, his forte is not the season-long arcs, he works to his strengths with single episode stories. his best work was when Davies was showrunner and he was turning out stuff like The Girl In The Fireplace and Blink. And yeah, the McGann story was excellent, and that prologue was similar; Capaldi was far better when he was resigned and subdued, not when he was shouting rubbish and shredding on a tank.

I prefer to think that she was disintegrated, and the Doctor was just, “yeah, that never sticks”. Hell, he personally cremated one of her previous bodies, and he came back, and the Daleks cremated him in that horrible made-for-TV movie, and he came back.

I’m not sure how that makes it “not genocide.” It’s justifiable genocide, which is not a term you come across to often, but the Daleks are a distinct species, and the term for deliberately wiping out an entire distinct species is “genocide.”