Hmmm…yeah, that theory really doesn’t make any sense. So she knows that hair and fingernails don’t actually grow after death, but she thinks that just because they APPEAR to grow, the person will weigh more?
Of course, you have to factor in the weight of the soul. …someone like James Brown’s corpse will probably end up weighing about half a pound.
Um, a corpse can’t GAIN weight after it dies. The only way for a body to gain mass is if mass goes into it. Okay, maybe embalming fluid is more dense than blood, but that’s pretty much the only way. I think the case of hair and fingernails continuing to grow is simply that those cells remain alive for a little while. However, the mass for those things come straight out of the body and it’s a zero sum game (if I’m using the phrase correctly. If not, then I mean that it’s just repositioning the mass, so no weight gained).
Maybe she is also thinking that since sometimes people seem to swell after they die. Again no gain in weight or mass.
Maybe fly nits added to get some maggots going?
Ray (What action does your girlfriend have in mind, I wonder?)
Neko’s girlfriend here:
Perhaps when one is alive or awake, it is “easier” to lift them, causing them to appear lighter. In my history with small pets dying, they seem heavier shortly after death. Also, when carrying rigid persons at a hospital I worked at, it took two people to lift someone I had lifted by myself at an earlier, more alive time. I’ve since wondered if there actually is any weight gain, or explanation as to why they APPEAR heavier?
I think what you’re noticing is a shift in the centre of gravity. The mass is now a lump, instead of a balancing human being or animal.
Hero For A New Millennium!
The Legend Of PigeonMan - Back in the new year! Honest. I promise. No, really.
Only if you keep filling them full of lead, a’la Sonny Corleone…
In the early 70s, a “researcher” “proved” that a body actually weighs about a quarter pound less at death.
He attributed this loss to the soul having left the body.
My soul only weighs as much as a hamburger?
But wait! Philosopher Milhous Van Houten clearly states when speaking of the soul:
Depends how much soul food you’ve eaten.
Ray (no soul, just a black box, so they can tell what went wrong. . .or is that more wrong)