Does Abortion Really Hurt Women?

When is the time limit up?

Reminds me of a commercial a while back about a woman sadly telling the viewer about how old her aborted child would have been, ending with how abortion isn’t an easy choice at all. Oddly, I thought it was a pro-choice commercial for a while, pointing out that the choice to abort wasn’t as capricious and selfish as pro-life rhetoric often claimed.

In any case, assuming this is true:

Isn’t that a result of the baby boomers sliding into their fifties, prime breast cancer years?

Besides… “worldwide” ? I’d think deaths from AIDS (and other communicable diseases) in the developing world will continue to outnumber breast cancer in the near future.

Having a menstrual period can hurt women. Full term pregnancies also hurt women and are more dangerous than abortions. Deliveries hurt women. Having a uterus and ovaries removed is hurtful. Raising children is a painful process as is being a grandmother and a great-grandmother.

Most doctors have enough experience with the dying that they can spell it correctly.

Sorry, “doc,” but unsubstanciated claims get nowhere here. It is the truth that sets you free.

askthedocto, we’d also like to know what your actual credentials are. And the more credible cites you can produce for your assertions, the better. Because on its own, your posting does not seem at all credible to me.

MD, Johns Hopkins
Diplomate, ABFM
Fellow, AAFP
Past practice included routine OB/GYN, birth control services.

Brave post, Anaamika.

I had one when I was 17. Didn’t hurt a bit, physically or emotionally. It was the right decision for me.

Yeah, it’s kinda* an honor he went to all that effort just for US! Not that he could go to that wee bit more effort to use his spell checker, though.

    • Why yes, I have placed “kinda” in my personal dictionary, thank you.

[paris hilton] That’s hot. [/paris]

Now, Qadgop, the username is “ask the docto,” not “ask the doctor.” Clearly this poster has a Hispanic background and is merely claiming to possess a bit of wisdom without actually claiming to have any medical education.

My wife had an abortion and has also had breast cancer (removed without issue outside of reducing her cup size to something more… um… managable).

In fact, abortion is such a powerful cancer risk my wife got breast cancer BEFORE the abortion.

Just thinking about abortions puts you at risk for breast cancer.


From my limited sample, I’ve had two G/Fs who had abortions (I was the guilty party in one case) neither seemed particularly worried by it.

I also deeply regret the deaths of two young female friends who died of breast cancer, one had two young kids and the other had none.

Statistically a small sample, so let us widen things up, in Russia abortion has long been used as a form of birth control - is Russia and its associated states riddled with breast cancer ?

Let us widen things up further, India reputedly uses scans to determine the sex of a foetus, and abortions occur if it is not male. Is there an outbreak of breast cancer in India ?

My personal view (or Humble Opinion - hint) is that abortion is unpleasant, but having unwanted kids is a lot worse.

I had one twenty-two years ago. Hasn’t hurt me yet and I’ve never regretted it.

I like how the google ads are all for adoption agencies. Obviously, google is pro-life.

Mine are for jobs in the police. Google’s clearly looking to get us all arrested for our murdering.

So they check in, but they don’t check out?

That explains all the abandoned cars I see outside the clinics.

Based on post #13, I’d say Anaamika has had quite enough of that! :wink:

I am so going to Hell . . .

:eek: Don’t they realize where that kind of discrimination can lead?!

So, it’s dangerous for a woman to keep her virginity.

Useful to know. :wink:

I thought that India had banned gender-testing for fetuses for precisely that reason.

I have, once before, and encouraged others to post, too, but if others think it would be useful I would do it again.

Thank you all for your kind words. I hate to see PP bashed for no reason!

Don’t be naive. If you have the cash, you can get the tech or the doctor to tell you, or maybe just write it down on a piece of paper, put said paper on a nearby flat surface, and leave the room.

I thought everyone knew this.