Does anyone have a good Point of Contact at Disney Orlando?

I checked with the mods before posting this and they were ok with the caveat that any replies with actual contact information be sent to me in email or Private Message.
I’m working on a project that has a lot to do with immersive technologies. Things like touch, smell, and sound. I know of at least two attractions at the Disney parks in Orlando that utilize an olfactory generator. I’m going to be down there the first week of December on business and I’d like to take a few hours and talk to someone that could speak about some of the technology that they use. Unfortunatly short of showing up at the park and handing out my business card I don’t know of a specific person that I could either email or call to try and set this up. So I turn to my fellow dopers.

Does anyone have contact information for someone that works at Disney? Preferably someone high enough up the Disney food chain to be able to put me in touch with the right party. I’m not sure what Disney calls them…Imagineers? Any or all information would be great. I tried calling to see if I could wade through the operators to find a real person, but that didn’t work out.

Again, please email or PM me with the actual info.



Just wanted to thank the couple of Dopers that replied with some POC information. You really made my life a lot easier.

