Does anyone here know anyone personally who has been diagnosed, or has been yourself?

Really sorry for your losses, @Nars_Glinley (again :frowning: ) and @casdave

I just learned that my good friends’ aunt died from covid. Friends were very close with her.

My anti-mask cousin has it pretty bad. He’s obese and has T2 diabetes. So far he’s riding it out at home and I honestly don’t know if he is getting tested or not. But he clearly has it. His wife has lost her sense of smell but she hasn’t gotten worse.

Someone at my brother’s work got it, someone he sees regularly. My brother didn’t get tested, and hasn’t shown any symptoms in 2 weeks. I’ve seen my brother, maskless, since the other guy tested positive (we didn’t know at the time). I’m holding on to my hat.

My nephew and his girlfriend both have it. They don’t live together but see each other a few times a week. They’re in their 40s, physically fit (cycling, hiking, fishing, hunting, etc.) – not overweight, diabetic or asthmatic.

She works in a nursing home so they assume that’s where she got it, but he also deals with clients face-to-face daily so that’s also a possibility. Both have been wearing masks routinely since the beginning.

They are both ‘pretty sick’ but not hospitalized. They haven’t seen each other since she first had symptoms and tested positive. I dropped off groceries last night – left them on the porch. Her teenaged daughter living at home is not having symptoms and is staying home from school for now.

Doing better yet. Whew. I think they’ll be OK now.

Wishing luck to everybody else –

It’s been another 3 days. Have you exhaled yet?

Yaay!!! Good to hear!

Learned yesterday that two of my cousins had it and have (mostly) recovered. There’s a lot of lingering fatigue.

And two friends of mine had it a few months back and also recovered, but they are now in a second round of self-quarantining because a coworker of one of them had been exposed and came into work anyway, thus exposing them all over again. They’re showing no symptoms but are self-quarantining because of caution and, damnit, being responsible. Which the coworker should have been but wasn’t.

Brother doesn’t have symptoms. I don’t have symptoms. It’s been 2 weeks so I guess we’re good.

Still being tho. It lurks.

This guy was released from the hospital this week, after spending two months there. So alive, but a long way from back to normal, from what I hear.

Glad to hear he’s out of the hospital.

In these tumultuous times, good news is most welcome.

First case has been diagnosed in my 95 yo grandmother’s retirement home. Amazed they kept it out this long. Everything on lockdown there.

Mrs Iggy’s aunt and uncle have it now. Both still at home. Aunt has it rather bad but refuses to go to the hospital. Uncle started with symptoms a couple days after the aunt. Their daughter is living with them as is their preschool age grandson. So far so good for them.

Mrs Iggy wants to go over there and stay with them to help out! :scream: I have pleaded to only deliver supplies to the door and nothing else in person. So far I seem to be prevailing.

Instead he’s going to be a sheep spreading covid. Instead of a sheep to the liberals and their covid hoax, a sheep to the denialists and the conservative conspiracists. Way to go, independent thought!

Yeah, that only works if the only two people you’ve been around are just as careful. But if they’re french-kissing strangers on the bus, well, covid is the least of their worries, but your exposure is still sky-high.

I hope everyone is okay.

And my condolences to all who have lost someone. This is a tough time, and this disease is a bastard. Cheers to all who have gone. You mattered, and you will be missed!

I think I mentioned my sister’s work had someone come down with it. Two libraries closed from cross-contamination, four cases of library staff. Three okay, one kinda bad but recovering. My sister is dealing with the fact that her workplace is a possible source, but so is her husband. He runs billiards tournaments in bars with lots of mask-averse people.

Her son went off to college this year. Been exposed at least once, tested negative. Been tested a couple times now, mostly prior to coming home to visit.

My brother’s daughter was exposed at school right before he was going to the hospital for surgery. He was in pre-op self-isolation, so they had to deal with masking at home. She turned out negative, and the surgery went well, so everything is grand.

People keep missing work from exposures, some with cases. Nobody from work has had it really bad that I know of, but there’s a possibility it could catch someone.

My MIL now has it. She’s in a care home which up til now has done a sterling job of keeping it out. But now her unit has been infected and all 8 residents have it. She had a temperature and a couple of days in bed at the weekend (when she was tested), and she’s now out of bed and eating normally. So we’re crossing all our fingers and toes that she’s had a mild dose. Obviously, we can’t go and see her which is heartbreaking for my wife. She’s tried a video call, but her Mum is so deaf (and has mild dementia) that it sort of made things worse.

Gutting considering they’re due to get the vaccine in a couple of weeks.

So now we have a serious case in our circle. Good friend of ours in dealing with her daughters medical needs (side effects of an auto accident) which involves helping out with the grandbabies, her mom is hours away from dying from Alzheimers, and now her husband (age 70) has the covid and is in the hospital on a ventolator and lying on his stomach. Not sure why they put him on his stomach.

It’s referred to as “proning” and it helps oxygenate better. The lungs are in the back, so this helps reduce some pressure on them. Best wishes for him!

Just learned a friend of mine tested positive. He’s young and strong, likely will be okay. I’m surprised that this is only the second case to strike someone I know personally. Stay safe, all y’all!

Another friend can’t smell or taste and has flu symptoms. Another another friend is in the hospital with lethargy. Commonality of all 3? Recently traveled out of state to see family and got exposed there.

Looking at the latest statistics for the US: 16,942,822 cases, out of a US population of 328 million, means you have about a .05 (5%) chance of having been diagnosed - or about 95% chance of NOT having been dianosed.

If you know a total of 30 people, the odds that you don’t know ANYONE who has been diagnosed drop to about 20%.

At this point it might be a more informative question to ask who does NOT yet know anyone who has been diagnosed with it.

Obviously this varies by region, and by country; the figures about are US only.

Oh - and aside from my infant niece (who is now fine), a friend’s elderly mother passed from COVID a couple weeks ago. She was about 90.

Yeah, at this point diagnosed is a low bar if you mean tested positive. More significant is if you know someone who (a) had significant symptoms, (b) went to the hospital, © was on a ventilator, or (d) died.

If you don’t know anyone who even tested positive, I think you might just be uninformed about all the people you know.

(Stupid autoformatting!)

Two neighbors have had it, as had an old college friend. One former co-worker died from it.

Update: I just found out that she and her husband ARE separated, and apparently not amicably. Her recent Facebook posts are full of bashing him, and her IRL friends telling her that she really ought to delete those posts if she wants to stay out of trouble herself.

Was this marriage a COVID casualty? I have no idea.