Does anyone know if you can use a 529 for this?

I want to get the comptia A+ and network+ certifications. They are not offered by my college and willnot count towards my degree. If I took these classes somewhere else would I be allowed to use the money in the 529 plan my family set up to pay for it?

If you take the training through an eligible institution, yes. If not, no. A tech college may provide the training and be an eligible institution.

(But as an IT professional - why? These certifications are pretty useless. (I say this as someone whose done hiring of PC and network techs). I’d rather find someone with experience than a certification that everyone who takes the class can get - they are easy tests to pass and don’t show you know anything useful. Find somewhere to volunteer doing PC repair - around here we have a Free Geek.)

Almost certainly, though I’d hesitate to give an unqualified answer. Different states can sometimes do some wonky things with their 529 plans. So check with a professional - or call your state 529 administrator - to get the state-level info.

I work as a contractor for the US Air Force. The USAF requires CompTIA Security+ and having an A+ is considered a plus also.

And I agree that these certs are pretty useless.