I am Eve. I would actually be quite enthused to have Gore/Lieberman as the leaders of our country. I like them. No hates about it. The republicans actually scare me a little right now. But I can safely say that I feel confident in having a leader like Gore run this country from the White House.
I can’t stand Gore, I’d rather have Clinton again. I haven’t seen much about Bush that scares me or offends me, but I still think I’ll vote for Foghorn Legghorn
I think it’s a result of the negativity of political campaigns. Anyone who’s prominent enough to be elected has been the target of so many attack ads it’s impossible for him or her to have an untarnished reputation.
Consider Gore for example. Only a few years back, he was generally considered, by Republicans as well as Democrats, to be a decent and competent man. But at a certain point, people realized he was a likely candidate for the 2000 elections and the whispering began.
I actually like Bush. I listened to his convention speech and I agreed with about 80-90% of what he said.
Do I think he’ll be the best President ever? No. Do I think he’s the best person in the country to be President? No. But I like him and agree with his points of view. Paint me bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
(On the other hand, while I don’t agree with Gore on nearly any issue, I don’t think the country will go to hell in a handbasket if he’s President, either. I’m amazed at the people who seem to think that the U.S. and/or all of our rights will cease to exist if so-and-so is elected.)
I find them both dreadfully dull, this being the post-Clinton era and all. Remeber that night a few years back when Clinton was at some pro golfer’s house in Florida and had a few too many adult beverages? Slipped on the pavement and injured his ankle, he did. Big laffs! Won’t happen with Gore or Dubya: Gore only has a beer every now and then, and Duya is a dried-up alcoholic.
Having said all that, I find Bush to be a decent man with enthusiasm and optimism, and who believes in the potential of our country. Gore, on the other hand, will live the rest of his life with the albatross of Bill Clinton around his neck.
[slight hijack]
I’d vote for Bush regardless of how he looked, but as a side note: the minister at my church is a dead ringer for Dubya. It’s freakin’ uncanny! If you’re ever in Springfield, IL on a Sunday morning, stop by South Side Christian Church (2600 South MacArthur) and get a load of the Senior Minster. Weird.
I also dislike both, but sorta agree that in the end the country is not likely to go down in flames under either of them. Luckily there are others in the running. I predict another election with such a poor turnout that the 3rd party candidates may actually have a chance. Rastahomie’s right though, I’ll miss the wackiness of the Clinton administration, lol.
I dislike both of them. I think a lot of people are voting for the lesser of two evils this year, or not voting at all. It seems like this has gotten more common in the last few elections (or I’ve just gotten more jaded).
Personally, I think it’d be a big help if everyone who was too disgusted to vote went down and wrote in “none of the above” instead of just staying home. Imagine if Bush and Gore together got less than 50% of the vote – we might actually get some good candidates in years to follow.
trying to convert apathy into visible disgust,
I can say I don’t really like Bush or Gore.
I didn’t really like Clinton, Dole, or Perot.
Or Clinton, Bush, or Perot.
Or Bush or Dukakis.
Or Reagan or Mondale.
Hell, the last time I had a real preference was Reagan, Carter, Anderson. And that time I liked Anderson.
I’d be tickled to death if there was an election when I was voting FOR someone, as opposed to picking between the lesser of two evils.
I like Bush okay. I wish he would stick to the conservative side a little better, though. Sometimes it seems he is ashamed of being a Republican and that he needs to put on a centrist cloak in order to fool the electorate.
I want a candidate unafraid to go negative against that which he can not tolerate. Take on the NEA! Promise to get rid of the Dept. of Education! Promise to cut taxes by God, no matter how much people would rather see Washington spend their money. Department of Commerce? Gone! (pant…pant…pant)
Reagan didn’t feel the need to run to the center, and he won in landslides.
Hmmm, in reading this, it has occurred to me that Bush is not a stong conservative. He is a namby-pamby centrist.
I never liked Bush. Too derivativee of Nirvana. I mean, 16 stone, wasn’t bad, but it could in no way be called good either.
As for Gore? yeah I like Gore. Especially when performed by Gwar.
Don’t particularly like either of them. I want a guy who is a liberal conservative or a conservative liberal. In other words, a guy who will agree to control guns but also to protect the environment. A guy who wants to ban 3rd trimester abortions but allow them in the 1st trimester. A guy who supports schools but at the state level, not the federal level. A guy (or woman, btw) who would be willing to support tort reform while forcing insurance companies to cover things like bone marrow transplants. A candidate who wants to spend wisely and cut out the freaking fat!!
Every election it’s the same. Both candidates are unappealing. No one likes them. Lesser of two evils and so on.
Is it possible to run for high office and be likable to a majority of the people? With all the negativity and money in politics, I doubt it. Politics is miserable business.
I say, give the two men a break. After all, you can be sure in 2004 we’ll all hate the choices then even more.
For awhile I gave serious consideration to voting for Harry Browne (the Libertarian, for those who don’t know), who is definitely closer to me idiologically than any of the others. I don’t regard third party votes as wasted, and I realize that voting for the D/R lesser evil just perpetuates their tendency to give us evil.
But…realistically, the next president will be George W. Bush or Albert Gore–those are the only two who can win. And as much as I would like to send a message to the Ds and Rs (“get your heads out of your assess,” it would say), I am not willing to forego my voice in this election to do so. I therefore am stuck with the lesser evil again, which to me is Bush.
If I was inclined to vote for either Ralph Nader or Pat Buchanan, I might be more willing to go ahead and vote that way–those would be specific messages to the Ds and Rs respectively. Voting Libertarian is not a specific message–being neither Left nor Right nor Center, Libertarians tend to be dismissed or branded as nuts. I don’t like that fact, but I have to face it.