Does anyone not break the agreement?

That’s the spirit! Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address with a charred stick on the back of a shovel. Or maybe it was an envelope. Something like that.
Or Dorothy Parker who produced stinging, witty poetry and commentary while half blitzed out her mind on martinis with nothing more than Algonquin bar napkins to write on. If tablecloths were involved I don’t remember reading about them.

::wipes away a sentimental tear::

Always glad to promte stalwart pioneer values,


now, why do I have this sudden urge to grab up a pair of clippers?

(would that break the agreement?)
parenthetically, I think it’s fun to see some of these old threads revived, when current moderators were mere
‘members’ (does that make them foremembers?)

There was one recently where Alphagene made some statement like “I not even want to be a mod”, was pretty funny to see with “moderator” beneath his name.

TVeblen, get a hold of yourself! (shakes her and slaps her silly) Us moderators cannot afford to be seen crying in public. A sign of weakness like that deserves 20 push-ups. Now! (How’s that for stalwart pioneer values?)

As far as Lincoln writting the Gettysburg Address on an envelope with a charred shovel, our Teeming Millions discussed that once and pretty much shot down that theory.

The Gettysburg (expletive deleted) Address

But I agree with what you said about Dorothy Parker (downs first shot of cheap gin in preparation for his daily moderator duties)