Other than ridiculously-small/fractional quantities of bulk items, is there any stand-alone retail item with a price of $0.01?
A one-cent postage stamp.
The second item at a “Buy 1 - Get the 2nd one for $.01 Sale.”
I remember when there used to be penny gumball machines at store entrances. I suppose there could still be some somewhere, but I haven’t seen any in a long time.
I bought a used book on Amazon yesterday for $0.01, of course Shipping and handling was $3.54
There’s a hair cuttery called Fifteen Barbers I think that I went to in Norfolk, Va. It’s run by older men and has old-style decorations and feel to it. It has a penny gumball, and the barber would always give me a penny back from my change to get one. My friend and I back in those scheming days always swore we would walk in there with a dollars worth of pennies and wipe the place out
If you live in the Michigan area, they used to have a mechanical horse named “Penny.” When I was little I used to ride on it while waiting for my mom/dad to finish up at the checkout. I’m pretty sure they still have them around.
Wow. I didn’t mean Michigan has the ride, I meant Meijer has it. Or, as a true Michigander would say, Meijers.
If we’re reminiscing, the corner store by my house growing up used to sell penny candy - in my mind I can still hear old Mrs. Luchetti counting out Swedish fish instead of change on whatever your mother had sent you to buy. Of course, that was 25 years ago - I suspect it would now be nickel candy.
Those squashed and imprinted pennies at tourist attractions still cost a penny-- unless they’ve started charging a squishing fee. How do they make money off of those, anyway?
The ones I’ve seen use quarters, not pennies. You put in two quarters and get one back, squished.
All of the ones I’ve seen take 2 quarters and a penny. You get the penny back squished, and the guy who empties the machine gets the 2 quarters (unsquished).
The ones I’ve used take two quarters and a penny. The penny is what you get back.
There’s a squishing fee. Usually fifty cents.
I have an old-school barber who still has a penny gumball machine and still gives the little kids a penny to use in it.
There’s an old-style variety store (what used to be called a five and dime) that for years kept bins full of bubble gum, sugar daddies and what have you and actually charged a penny a piece. Sadly, I think they’ve raised the price to 3 cents now.
My neighborhood hardware store sells nuts, bolts, screws and nails by the unit. I haven’t found one that’s just a penny, but I have found some for less than a nickel.
I thought I saw a working penny scale recently, but it might be charging more.
Not if you do it the old-fashioned way, and leave it on the train tracks ahead of an oncoming train. Of course, there’s also no fee for the train to squish you, so do this at your own risk.
Also in Michigan, there’s a penny candy store. It has candy that’s more expensive, but there are a few small items that cost a penny.
A thought?
I’m betting Cecil charges and arm and a leg though for his wisdom outside of his column.