Does blood pressure medication always suck?

Looks like I am going to have to go medication for high blood pressure. I hear nothing but terrible things about the side effects. Coughing, headaches, joint pain, and more, depending on the medication.

Anyone have any positive stories about these medications? I’m feeling worried.

This is anecdotal only:

I know many people on high blood pressure medication and none report any terrible side effects. Of course, everyone is different and some may have bad side effects. The CDC web site suggests side effects (if any) are usually mild. YMMV

Most of the time, blood pressure medicines do not cause side effects. Some people have mild side effects, including dizziness, headaches, swelling in the legs or feet, or stomach problems.2 - CDC: Blood Pressure Medicines

One friend’s biggest complaint is he can no longer have grapefruit which, apparently, mess with blood pressure medication. Not sure if he was pulling my leg.

As always, best to talk to your doctor about this stuff and work to make a decision that is right for you.

No, it doesn’t always suck. I’ve been on hypertension medication for 20 years, and am now on two different medications. The medication I was first put on did have the side-effect of a mild dry cough, so it was changed for another, which had no side effects. After about 10 years a second medication was added; that too has had no side effects for me.

Others in my family - hypertension runs in the family - have had a similar experience.

It’s a question trial and error to find the medication that works best for you, and has minimal or no side effects. But that needn’t take a huge amount of time.

I had no side effects with either lisinopril or spironolactone.

This is a legitimate side effect. I think it’s better known for statins (cholesterol meds), but this FDA article does list one high blood pressure med as affected.

Oh, regarding OP’s question: telmisartan, no side effects.

There are doctors here who can give you a far better answer than I ever could. What I can say from personal experience is, no, blood pressure medication does not always suck. I have been on two – perindropil erbumine and metroprolol tartrate. The perindropil is fine. The metroprolol causes me to distinctly hear my heartbeat thumping in my ears, especially if I’m trying to sleep. Fuck that shit. I’ve stopped taking it. But that’s the worst side effect I’ve had. YMMV, of course, and you likely have entirely different medications, but I wouldn’t worry about it unduly.

No side effects… other than happiness. Because my doc said “You can stop putting salt on your food, or take a pill.”

I love salt almost as much as sugar, so I’m happily taking the pill (with no noticable effects at all).

I hope you meant to say no noticeable side effects! :smiley:

Thanks for the encouraging stories. Maybe it won’t be so bad.

My mum can’t have grapefruit either. I think it is warfarin she is on. I don’t mind giving up grapefruit, but she has gout and terrible brain fog as well, and that doesn’t sound fun.

I took Lisinopril for a couple of years. After losing some weight and exercising a bit I no longer had to take it. I had no noticeable side effects while I was on it.

It depends heavily on the type. If you’re just now being put on BP meds, it would likely be an ARB or ACE inhibitor, which have the least side effects, and thus are the first line treatments.

I’m on one, and I actually find it feels worse when I forget a pill. And, even then, I just get tired and need to sleep more.

The kinds that suck are usually more last resort types. And even those most people acclimate to.

Grapefruit has something in it that can interfere with the metabolism of many medications.

Most people who take antihypertensives have minimal or no side effects. Some of the old drugs were dreadful, but the newer ones are much improved.

I was speaking last week to someone who said he was quite happy with the side effect of his blood pressure medication. The drug is Cialis.

15 years for me, albeit a low dosage. Nothing to report.

I’ve been on lisinopril for years, and the only possible side-effect might be needing to pee more often. Mind you, I’m of that age, and drink a lot of tea, so who knows?

Amlodopine user here, 10 years or so, no side effects whatsoever.

I’ve been on BP meds for over 20 years, Candesartan and amlodipine, never had any issues.

The terrible side effects of the meds pale in comparison to the horrible effects of long term, uncontrolled, high blood pressure.
Say hi to the nice Dopers my failing kidneys!

Same here.

My mom was in a variety of blood pressure meds, and the only unpleasant “side effects” were from lower blood pressure. When her blood pressure was low enough she fainted and stuff, because at least in her case, her high blood pressure was partly an accommodation of her body to inflexible arteries that didn’t convey blood as well as they ought to. So she ended up balancing high blood pressure (and yes, her kidneys were failing by the end) with being able to function. Falls are also a serious risk.

But i don’t think she had any issue with BP drugs that wasn’t directly related to her circulatory system.