Does Cecil love us as much as we love him?

Hmmm? :slight_smile:

I only know two things;
I know what I need to know
I know what I want to know
Mangeorge, 2000

Feel the love, Unca Cece!

I need a hug.

A woman needs four animals in her life: A mink in the closet, a Jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bedroom, and an ass to pay for it all.
—Zsa Zsa Gabor

I overheard a drunken Cecil talking about the Board in a sleezy bar where he is known as Mr. Fucking Know-it-all. What does wankers mean?

Oh God, I am sorry. What came over me?

I meant…
sleazy bar.

Uh…Mange? We on the same board here?

Where’d ya get the idea that Unka Cece, the erudite grump, “loves” us? The “teeming millions” hereabouts (aka the 5K registered folks) have bonded among ourselves.

That’s what happens when you put a buncha bright misfits and idiot savants in front of keyboards. We, as Dopers, have ::koff!:: melded into a community of squabbling, funny, dysfuncntional pissant brew of cranky, cross grained, argumentative, adjective-intensive swamp of societal misfits.

Uh…the Cecil Of Record is a eccentric recluse given to madras shorts, sandals (in Chicago winters); grumpy intellectual flight; unnerving explorations of bodily issues, secretions and conjuctions (ahem!) and a ruthless reportage thereof To Fight Ignorance.

Frankly, I’m surpised the horny, erudite crab hasn’t reverted to his trademark, “shut up and listen, maggot” persona.

Don’t know about you, but that’s why I got hooked on SD years ago. The “talking heads” and pundits blew–but never spoke the truth.

I’ll take a non-PC pissant anyday over the McLaughlin/Schlesinger/Limbaugh etc. contingent any day.

Yes, Virginia–uh, Mange–there IS a Santa Clause. There’s also a Cecil. And he thinks you’re a maggot.

Interpreting the canon,

:::lighting yet another candle on my altar to Veb:::

This space blank, until Wally thinks up something cool to put here.


Veb, :cool:

“Um, according to who? Nothing more than a high brow troll, though occasionally the bi polar personality swung in a constructive direction on innocuous topics.” Omniscient

OK, OK. Confession time. I was just hoping that The Unca was maybe going to jump in here and say, “Of course I do”. Sigh. Reality sucks. :frowning:
mangeorge (Bruised, but not broken.)

Nope, Cecil doesn’t love us, except in the abstract. How could he love everyone here on the Board or everyone who reads his column in the papers? There are just too many of us for him to love individually.

this is starting to sound vaguely theological

HEY! Them’s fightin’ words!

67.5% of all statistics are made up

Without us Unka CeCe doesnt exist… so he better love us.

Drunkard! Fool! Heretic! How could you possible say that we are responsible for Cecil’s existence, when the very opposite is true!

We exist solely for the amusement of The Master. Once he grows weary of us, we will all disappear in “a blink of an eye”. Our only hope is to continue purchasing his books, to placate his terrible wrath.

But even worse, Mangeorge had the audacity to say: “I was just hoping that The Unca was maybe going to jump in here and say, ‘Of course I do’.”

So you think we can get Cecil to perform parlor tricks for us, or maybe is some sort of big dumb Purple Dinosaur? Heretic! Excuse me, but you seem to have confused Unca Cece with Kibo.

At least Ed Zotti loves us.

I think you’re mistaking tolerance for love.

Bitch by Birth