Does cheese have a right to smell???

Alphagene wrote:

You’re not going to believe this, but the three standard gradations of human hermaphrodites are:

  1. merms - persons with two testicles and no ovaries, but with other strongly feminine characteristics (severely reduced penis size, wide hips, etc.)

  2. herms - persons with one ovary and one testicle, or two of each

  3. ferms - persons with two ovaries and no testicles, buth with other strongly masculine characteristics (elongated clitoris, straight hips, etc.)

Oh, he knew that, tracer. You see, he <font size=2>whisperwhisperwhisperwhisper</font>

Tracer, where the hell did you learn . . .

nah. I really don’t want to know.


No, I mean it.

I’ll just sit here eating my socks and shivering.

When smelly cheese is outlawed, only outlaw cheeses will smell.

<ahref =“”>Cheesebloke This Site Is For You</a>
t lion

" I Wonder What Happens When I push THIS Button? "

(Let’s try that again)
< ahref =“”>Cheeseybloke This Site Is For You</a>

I am unaware of any current legislation that disallows cheese the right to smell. Smelling itself has been protected under the guarantee of the pursuit of happiness in the Constitution. Smelling here is defined as the ability to smell or giving off a scent, odor, or fragrance.

I could investigate the matter further if required.

A disingenuous smell is in the nose of the perceiver in regards to olfactory judgements.


For what a man had rather were true he more readily believes.

andros wrote:

Well … I … I actually dated a hermaphrodite half a decade ago. (Note: She didn’t tell me she was a hermaphrodite until we were at the point where I was about to find out anyway, ifyouknowwhatImean.)

She was a “herm” in the sense given above: She had ovaries, fallopian tubes, a uterus, a cervix … and a scrotum, and one undescended and one partially-descended pseudotestis, and a miniature penis which would emit vaginal lubricant (!) when she was sexually aroused.

She had been raised as a male and, until she reached age 36, she called herself a man. Then she discovered the newsgroup alt.transgendered and said, “Screw this! I am woman, hear me roar!”. I met and got involved with her while she was taking estrogen supplements (which had JUST started activating her ovaries) but before she’d gotten any sex-reassignment surgery.

She’s since had surgery and become a complete woman, but I stopped dating her before that. Not because of her physiology, but because she was a total flake and stood me up for our dates more than half the time.

Aren’t you glad you asked? :slight_smile:

“Love 'em, fear 'em, and leave 'em alone.” – Dr. Spockiavelli

Actually, yes. :slight_smile: That’s just way too cool, Tracer. I’ve known a lot of TV’s and TS’s, but I’ve never met a true hermaphrodite.

Remember, that which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. Or at least more knowledgeable about the quirks in human anatomy.
